Replit AI is free?

Just noticed this. All of Ghostwriter (now known as AI), is 100% free??? Why are there no announcements of this!? This is great!

…Or am I really, really slow, and this has been out for months?

Just noticed an “Advanced” version, what extra features does that have? Or what is our limit?


I think you get a few prompts for free then its paid. Its been like that for months iirc


But it did that in like March too?

I just tried sending a message and it went down by 3%. So you get like 33 messages? Or is that every day?


Where does it say that. I dont see it unless I’m blind.

And I just remembered by Ghost writer expired a few days ago so let me test

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Ah I see. My guess is that its all time but I honestly don’t know

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What does yours say?

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Mine says 100% but I have only ever used it by purchasing it before

it was just announced that it’s free now


AI quota finished while they said its FREE for all??

Bro my free quota has finished and now it gives an error, while they said its free for basic code snippets. Why is there a quota when they said on main page that its free for all? Also there isn’t any guidance doc about that where we can see what are the limits for free users… its saddening


@anonfaded I believe it is a weekly amount that they said they will change based on how much it is used, and resets every week, so you can use it again.


okay, i hope they remove the quota system.
Btw do you know how can we change the username for our account? they gave us a username but didn’t ask us to choose one ourself.

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Click on your profile > Account Settings > Change your username


and when is the reset? every sunday? a week by your last input it reacted to?

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i think its on sunday

It doesn’t reset every week

It should be resetting weekly, are you having issues?

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Probably the safest bet, the day would vary country to country, Replit is in America and mostly uses PDT.


Thanks for the information.

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Replit AI usage not resetting every week