Anybody want to make a languge

Anyone want to make a lang with me?


Sure, why not! Can you make a team and invite me?

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Can we make one called Doge (if it doesn’t exist yet) or Cat?

How do you make a programming language? I’ve always wondered that.

What language is going to made in?


Can u invite meh pls

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Depends. Interpreted or compiled?

If interpreted:

  1. Create a lexer. This will take the code and break it up into tokens. Like variable definitions, operators, integers, strings, etc.
  2. Create a parser. This will take the tokens and parse them into an AST, or abstract syntax tree.
  3. Interpret the AST (I think). I’ve only gotten to the parser in my own custom language so I’m not totally sure.

If compiled:

Create a compiler. Compilers are faster than interpreters. A compiler will lex the code and parse the tokens into an AST, but then it will compile the AST to Assembly and then finally to machine code. Am I missing a lot of steps? Probably.

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No, just make a normal team lol

Sounds cool can I join also can we name it raven for no particular reason but that I tried and failed to make one about 2 years back


BTW why and what is an edu team (what is it and why did you make it an edu team?)

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Basically for teachers to make assignments for their class

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It has better resources and stuff + unlimited members, might make it a friends team tho as i dont think you can make repls that everyone can edit in a edu team.

I see well would you and @ValiantWind like to be invited to a team I made?

Yes, I would like to be invited. Thanks

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@MiloCat already made a team I think? or was that you who made it

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Well you see… I made one too because for some reason I can’t make a repl in the edu one


That’s not an invite link and don’t post it publically since someone might grief everything

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it was an invite link, but a mod edited it i think

I wante join :):):):):):slight_smile:

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Sure but no griefy ok