What programming language do you regret learning

You know something? I don’t regret learning scratch and block coding. It taught be the fundamentals of coding and helped me to understand Python better when I was beginning to learn it.


scratch is programming though isn’t it?

It is but not really a language


Man, I really regretted learning PHP. It gave me the most stressful days of my entire life to the point that I completely stopped working with programming for 4 years.

i remember using php when I couldn’t find out how to get an html login system work on pure HTML and JS.

I will never be able to make proper use out of scratch and its code, waste of time.


A waste of time for more or less experienced programmers, but not for children and beginners.

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true, it did start my interest in programming to begin with, so its not a compete waste of time, just has no use now for me.

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Scratch was fun for me as a kid. It allowed me to just make cool and weird fun stuff happen without really any set up at all. Plus, for a time I used it to experimentally animate (using the “costumes”).

But professionally it’s essentially useless.

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When I first started learning to code, I used a platform called CodeHS, and looking back, I really regret it. They taught me to code using a system called Karel, which I didn’t enjoy at all. Later, I discovered Python and began a “100 Days of Code” challenge on Replit, which I absolutely loved. During this time, I even created text-based games.

However, I eventually gave up on coding and decided to take web design classes at school. These classes, which initially started on CodeHS, used visual blocks instead of teaching me how to write actual code. This made me lose interest in web design too.

Then, I learned about the power of ChatGPT, which can teach you various things. I began learning HTML, CSS, and Java with its help, and this journey led to me creating BlueWeb, which I’m very proud of. You can check it out here: BlueWeb on Replit.

In summary, my coding journey taught me an important lesson: it’s best to avoid learning programming with tools like Scratch or CodeHS. Instead, I recommend resources like Replit’s “100 Days of Code,” informative YouTube videos, and, if possible, learning with ChatGPT.


Maybe I’m wrong, but I feel like many people only look at ChatGPT as a quick way to write code or solve bugs, what people don’t realize is that it is extremely good at teaching you programming concepts without taking classes or boot camps. I learned basically all the Java and Assembly (which is relatively limited but still) I know through ChatGPT, and you can always ask it to reword a concept to make it easier to understand or generate examples based on how you would actually use concepts in your projects.

Now that I think about it this is probably pretty known information lol



If eso langs count it would be brainf.

I started making a language that compiles to brainf and I still haven’t touched it again because I already know what developing it feels like

Ah yes, widely regarded as one of the world’s hardest programming languages. I don’t think going to the 1600’s is an old enough version. We may need to go to the root language, latin…


I guess it’s doable to represent as a text programming language, though I’d imagine it would look extremely complicated (Ig if you wanted to flex lol)


Shouldn’t say I regret it particularly, but I spent so much time focusing on languages that worked seamlessly into GUI elements that I didn’t get a whole lot out of the actual programming like I really wanted.

I wanted to learn to program, but I wanted it to look good. So I went with HTML/CSS/Javascript. If I had just focused on the functionality rather than the aesthetics, I would be much further ahead in where I want to actually be today.


Yes, you can do some really crazy awesome things with JS, but it’s just not worth it for what I want(ed) to do.


I’m not sure how you could regret learning a coding language, they all help you and can be used to help in future coding.

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I am offended. My programming origin story literally is because of VB.

Other: Java
Sometimes I find myself writing System.out.println instead of console.log


It’s really just a joke… I think… I hope