Updating Repls is Not Working

Problem description:
I am trying to updatre my repl, but when I click the update button, this is what happens:

This error is also occuring to my friend, @SHRIYANSGURIJAL

Is there a problem with replit? If so whene will it be fixed?


The entirety of replit is being weird right now, I’d recommed trying again later?


So basically replit is being super sus atm and I’m pretty sure someone accidently pressed “ship” and now there’s a bunch of errors in prod


Yes this happens with me as well.

I got this error while coding something.

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This was the long error I couldn’t capture when using repl chat.

Replit may have accidentally messed up some API computational permissions.


oh that might make sense

It appears that there may be a certain trust level for the computational process that Replit has failed to gain.

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Looked up the error and found this Stack Overflow post:

It’s probably something that Replit messed up back-end.


why was he flagged, he was sending smth that could solve the problem (he’s sitting next to me)


It may have been flagged due to an external link appearing suspicious with the technical details on it.

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Replit is being weird for me too though :sob:

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its being weird for all of us :sob:

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I would like to remind everybody to keep replies related to this issue and not to reply with things not related to that. Things that are still about Replit or programming but not related to this issue can be its own topic. But if not it should be in #off-topic in the discord or in messages.