Unable to Edit or Run Repl - Continuous Loading Issue

Hey everyone,

I hope you’re doing well. I’m reaching out to seek urgent assistance with a technical problem I’m facing on Repl.it. I’m unable to edit or run my repl, as it gets stuck on the loading screen indefinitely.

I’ve tried various troubleshooting steps like refreshing the page, clearing my browser cache, and even switching browsers, but the issue persists. It seems to be specific to this particular repl, as I can edit other repls.

If you have any suggestions or insights on how to resolve this problem, I would greatly appreciate your help. Your previous experiences with similar issues or any workarounds you’ve discovered would be invaluable.

Thank you all for your time and support.


Forking doesn’t work? What about kill 1?


I’m currently unable to utilize the shell since it’s still in the loading process, and unfortunately, the problem persists even when I attempt to fork it. I’ve gone as far as inviting my alternate account to help, but regrettably, the issue remains unresolved. Please refer to the screenshot provided below for further clarification.

It’s been loading for over an hour, and I have an upcoming deadline to submit this school project in just a few days.


I am also having this issue with some of my repls. I tried to downloading it as a zip but I get a 500 error.


Strange, is there a fix for this?

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Not that I know of but someone else might.


Also getting this issue on the mobile app, even after kill 1. And no, forking won’t work as this happens in multiple Repls.


This is a really big issue, and I really have to submit a assignment, I also tried connecting to the repl through crosis but it was loading forever through crosis too.

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This might be a bug report then.

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We’re escalating this, as I can reproduce this bug.

If anyone is seeing this kind of error please post below with relevant bug info, such as Repl urls: How to write a good bug report


Yeah I’m also experiencing this error but I don’t think I can really add much more to what’s been said here but here’s the url to the repl that isn’t working for me https://replit.com/@Something231/mindoor


I experience the same issue.


Same here. Interestingly https://status.replit.com/ is completely green.


Apparently they fixed it:


I find it quite unusual that the repl I’ve been attempting to boot has been loading for more than two days. Interestingly, the information provided indicates that the issue was resolved one day prior to its occurrence.

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That issue was 2 days ago. Am surprised it is happening to us now since I have not had any issues till today. I was able to access my repls just fine yesterday.


Yeah. I was having this issue too.


The repl experiencing this issue holds significant importance for me. It happens to be an assignment, and if I’m unable to run this repl, it could potentially result in failing my school’s computer course.

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Am suspecting it is only some of the servers are impacted right now since I can access other repls, just some of mine are unresponsive right now. Hopefully, it is just an isolated issue with some repls and not all for everyone else.

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I’m facing the same issue.
No repls are working, I tried to clear browser cache, use another browser, use another device.
The url of the repo I’m working on is: https://replit.com/@armandocolone/Day-7-Hangman-4-Start

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