Theme Button Not Changing Color

I am trying to change the side button since it is too bright. I am trying to make a darker green, but it doesn’t change.

It updated, sorry. I said in the other topic. I had to click the update button.

@SalladShooter It said ‘Update available’, and had the button ‘Install new’ or something and it updated.

@NateDhaliwal is the button dark enough though? Can you post a picture. For me it is still bright »

@SalladShooter It’s also bright for me:


@NateDhaliwal would you have any idea why it is doing that? I am using #00aa00 which is decently dark, anything dark goes gray for the main button.

None at all. I think I have encountered this before… so you are trying to say that buttons cannot be edited; it is dependent on other colours of the theme?

@NateDhaliwal the very bright button changes ever so slightly and changed when I change the primary on the global theme section, the buttons in general are very bright even the one for create a Repl.

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