SSL Certificates Not Reliable

Bug description:
When opening app in a new tab, Chrome complains as follows:
This site can’t provide a secure connection sent an invalid response.
Try running Windows Network Diagnostics.
Note that renaming the Repl (sometimes) resolves the issue, but not always and not reliably.

Expected vs Current Behavior:
SSL Certificates should work reliably on Replit. Currently they are not reliable, and appear to fail intermittently.

Steps to reproduce:
Use Replit normally until the intermittent appearance of ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR

Bug appears at this link:

Screenshot(s)/Screen Recording:

Browser/OS/Device: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

Replit Profile:


I’ve tried numerous times to reproduce the issue and haven’t been able to. Perhaps there was a temporary annomily upstream that caused this issue that has since been fixed. We did not receive any other complaints of the issue, so I do not this it was wide spread. Please let us know if you have the issue again in the future.

Thanks Adam. I am recieving the same error again today on a different replit.

I also hear reports from my students and colleagues who have a similar problem.

I did stumble on a workaround: ie. to replace the first dot in the URL with two dashes. (I discovered by accident that this URL with two dashes is what is used in the webview iFrame). Following this pattern, the URL becomes

Interestingly, it works just fine when I adapt the URL in this way.

Is there any documentation about this “double-dash” URL? Or perhaps there is It would be nice to point my students to an official page that they could use as a solution.

By way of followup, I discovered that Replit is being blocked by my Internet Provider (Rogers) at the network / router level. Replit is being blocked on account of being a “suspicious site”. After overriding the ISP’s “Advanced Security” in my router settings, everything works fine. I would surmise that my ISP blocks Replit due to misuse of Replit by some of its members. Perhaps Replit can do more to counter abuse, build a positive reputation, and in turn not to be blocked by ISPs?


I will pass this onto our Securtiy team to keep an eye out for in the future. Thanks for following up with us!