Ngrok error in console or bash

It does but I’m 100% sure they got the wrong download from the site.

If they are 100% sure, then I’d do that command and try again, but as I said, it’s not executing properly because the binary is a different architecture than their computer.

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Bro I am literally crying:


Try replacing \ with /


Where though? there are alot of 's lol

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All of them. It is trying (and succeeding technically) to escape every character that comes after a \, you should be using /.



icacls C:/Users/Jacob/Downloads/ngrok-v3-stable-windows-amd64/ngrok.exe /grant Users:Jacob

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Yes, try that and see what it spits out.

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the grant thing doesnt work but it worked without it. What next?

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Welp. Time to bring @youngchief back over here. :stuck_out_tongue:


Just replace the commands ngrok provides you with ./ngrok.exe and your done!

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You forgot the ./ before it.

Try using the full path instead?

./ngrok.exe should be fine.

i did the ./ in the first one, see the image ^^^

Are you in the ngrok folder?

The first thing Jay did in that picture was ./ngrok.exe, so I suspect Jay is not in the same dir as ngrok.exe.

Yeah, thats why I asked.

I was typing this, and couldn’t see the new replies behind the comment panel thing.