New Language Choice

Make sure to read the post before replying :;


Nim, it’s faster and better than python, but the syntax is relatively similar. It is python+++ XD


yeah, having fun with it.
But important to point out it is statically types and that can be confusing for who only used python in their life … but it is a good thing


I only used untyped languages, but moving into Nim was not that hard. Although I had gotten to the point in python where I type-hinted everything anyway.

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How about creating your own language and learning that one? That would be a great learning opportunity with only a small chance of being practical.
That’s my only advice as I have knowledge only in Python, HTML, CSS, and JS.

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What language would they make that in? With relative usability, you would need to making in a language like C, C++, Nim, etc. (Compiled languages)

creating a language comes best from knowing few different ones first … or it is just a frustrating exercise

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IDK that’s your arena. Maybe they could learn your language or Earthrulurr’s language.

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Yes brainf💩k is superior

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Quick Question: Could I start a poll on what language should I learn based on the suggestions that I’m getting?

yes, but would be great if you would state also your reason for a new language …

I’m getting bored flicking through python and HTML and css code.

If you are bored with python, skip Nim as it is different but looks a bit like it.
If you want something truly different pick a functional language like Haskil or Erlang (I prefer the latter)

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You should learn amolang :moyai:

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Post is here! New lang choice poll

Is there classes in amolang?

I actually did that. . . just to break my brain