My introduction!

300 cycles will get you the actual reveal.


You were banned once

(Wow just 10h are 62 replies)

But I’m poor xD so no

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How many cycles do you have?

I have some from bigminiboss and some from giggapoggers

Tip me all of them and I’ll PM my face to you.

Bigminiboss is bold, not caring about people’s opinions and using GQL. Bigminiboss also does “penetration testing” on Replit, finding major bugs that sometimes mess with other people too (like the CSS bug used to Rick Roll people).

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Hmm, on that topic, has the bug been fixed yet @bigminiboss?

IDK he wouldn’t share it (and rightly so).

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Great guy who helps out a lot of people.

No bug hasn’t been fixed :wink:

Thank you :smiley: (yes I have I don’t give a attitude at this point after so many warns)

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a couple of you guys might know me from my brief time on the forums but I am making a reintroduction because I went on a hiatus and am still not active on the forum. Quite a few new people joined and some even decided to stay and help the community. As someone who was basically a cornerstone of this community when it started, you have my gratitude as I was always worried about leaving people with a source of help (you guys give me peace of mind!) Anyways, if you’ve seen me answer sometimes, you may be wondering why some guy with less than 1k cheers is answer but I did used to have a few more cheers; however, they got reset during some fiasco.

Anyways, that’s all from me thanks guys for the great community, I look back on what it started as and feel very proud I helped build it.

please don’t take this as unnecessary, just felt like it I can take it down if it’s too chatty or something. Mainly wanted to thank the newer members and from a “recontextualized” place. And for the older members, I want to say that I don’t think I’ll be back the grind anytime soon since I, sadly, have a lot of stuff I have to do nowadays but cheers and it was really nice getting to become friends with such awesome people


:skull: Bro you have been here for over a year :rofl:


that is not a very long time. That is the same amount of time it takes to be called an infant,

2 posts was split to a new topic: How to become TL4