Importing and Installing Libraries

A while ago, I was trying to just code one of my python projects but when I opened it, it said it was upgrading to a Nix environment. I wasn’t really sure what that was, but I thought it wouldn’t affect anything. However, when I tried to import libraries (the one I wanted to use was pyBound, which is a library I made with @daSeaTurtle and @wadwadxhaiden), it didn’t work. I went to the shell and typed pip install pybound and it gave an error message:

bash: /home/runner/World-of-Dragons/venv/bin/pip: /home/runner/World-of-Dragons-2/venv/bin/python3.8: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

I don’t know why it’s not working, but can anyone please help? (It would also be helpful to explain what the Nix environment update meant and explain what it does)

(link to pyBound: pybound · PyPI)


This should work:

rm -rf venv&&python3 -m venv venv&&source venv/bin/activate&&pip install poetry&&exit


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Do I copy and paste this into the shell?

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I copy and pasted it into the shell and this happened:

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you basically corrupted your pip in some way/it’s outdated so just making a new repl should do the trick

Ok, I’ll make a new repl. But why did the whole thing pop up that said Updating to Nix environment. I thought it was added to all repls on everyone’s account. However, when I checked my other repls, it didn’t happen for them. Thanks!

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to save processing power they only update those that people are actually accessing

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I mean that’s expected, your Repl is new, OP’s Repl has just migrated

Because they already use Nix as they’re not as old as that Repl


That can be fixed by doing this:


That’s true, I made this repl years and years ago and only decided to start working on it again a few weeks ago. Thanks!

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Thanks, @Firepup650, that worked. I decided not to transfer to a new repl and wait for a response that could fix it in the current repl.


However, I did get these extra files when it migrated to Nix:

What do I do with them? Can I just delete them?


If your project is in a usable state, then yes, you can delete them.


I deleted them and everything worked. Thanks for your help!


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