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Do you have regex-based message filtering?

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If I did that, I would need to type the swear words into the code, which of course I don’t want to do.
If you want to make one for me, you are welcome to do so.

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Make the default change with preferred color scheme

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What do you mean? What default change?

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bruh it’s kinda inefficient to use replit db…


What other database am I supposed to use?

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… I mean even straight json file IO has more mem iirc and also, if you don’t get the raw json from the db, it’ll get ratelimited into oblivion. I think anyone could literally send enough requests to rl your db

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I have no idea what everyone is talking about, sorry.

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Basically on your computer or on your browser or something you can have a preferred color scheme, and websites can change their theme based on the color scheme. If you inv me to the Repl I can make the color scheme on the website change based on the preferred color scheme


You could make the regexes be stored in an sqlite db

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ok basically replit db has a ratelimit. You can only make so many db changes per minute. So if enough people use it, it’ll stop working


Then admins could ban a phrase used by spammers without needing repl access or anything

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I’d rather take care of it when it happens.

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The chat has been reset

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I wonder why you use @app.route('/style') and whatnot, instead of using builtin static serving?


22 posts were split to a new topic: Python vs JavaScript language features

Could i become a mod please?

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Could I style the site? No offense, but the site doesn’t look the best.

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That’s the job of @Coder869 (sorry for the late reply)

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Very interesting project, it looks cool. Making chat applications and just learning the protocol is fun to me, I should learn how to make frontends first though lol.