Will the free plan still exist in 2024? Free plan

No, you won’t be charged no matter the static deployment assuming that you are under your egress limits.

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Wait, so having to fork replits in order the run them was intentional? i thought that was a mistake replit made.

@OwenStritz yes, it was intentional by Replit to remove the run button and make people fork.

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Hi, I’ve been using Replit for a long time and hosting my Discord Bot here, but why is it that in 2024 my BOT will no longer operate 24/7 even though I have made uptime for my BOT and the link from the domain has changed to numbers and random numbers. And the BOT will be deactivated after a few minutes, has Replit removed the Free Plan for its users now?

Replit did not “remove” the free plan.

But you now must pay to host a bot or dynamic website.


It is May 14th and there is still no free plan that I can see so were is it?

Hey @imc0607a welcome to the forums!

The Free Plan is the base one used. You cannot select it from the plans, it is automatically set for the user. I hope this helps!

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It also has to have a shorter link unlike the “riker.dev” with the random bunch of numbers.

Shouldn’t a free plan include a “replit.app” or “replit.dev” like “pages.dev” based on the one Cloudflare uses or any other web-based hosting solutions that can run for over 4 - 6 hours or less depending if they decide another time before shutting off if the owner hasn’t checked on the website for the 4 - 6 hours? it should at least include an option to run it for an hour or two.

Replit is just choosing to kill off a majority of their users just so they can roll in the revenue they get from the few paying.


I can probably do the thing I want to in w3schools

@imc0607a it would be a good idea and useful to the users, but sadly it’s not required to happen.

Can they at least shorten the “riker.replit.dev” like I don’t need over 50 characters long and make it at least 10 - 15 at the longest 20 not 50.

@imc0607a the URL they give is a development URL, and is not mean to be used for deployment. A long string of numbers is giving probably for uniqueness in their database (I don’t know, I could be wrong).

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I believe it is the repl’s ID, with some extra digits.


You can deploy your repl to make the link shorter or connect a custom domain.


Anyone know where I can find my development url? Need it to make websockets work and I can’t find it for the life of me. Thanks in advance

Using the New Tab button on your Repl’s webview will pop it out into a new tab, and the url will be there in the URL bar for you.


A bit late tot he party here… but I have a repl which was using the old free hosting that is now offline. If I go ahead and pay for a plan w/ a VM, does replit migrate my SQLITE DB to Postgres and ensure everything is working the minute I click “pay”, or will I have to fiddle around with that myself?

Replit does not migrate your stuff for you, and if that SQL DB is on your Repl’s filesystem, then it will cease to be able to preform any edits while deployed unless you use the new object storage OR migrate to PSQL yourself.

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