Why does it say 'No folder found with that name.' even though there is an actual cover?

Question: Why does it say ‘No folder found with that name.’ even though there is an actual cover?

Link to the library: mega.py · PyPI

Example of how the file names look like in the folder:

async def cover(ctx, *, song_name):
        m = Mega()
        m.login(email, password)

        mega_folder_link = "https://mega.nz/folder/koknVbLA#_pVoBiVd5vxE4r1dCeZ1kA"

        folder = m.find(song_name)

        if folder:
            for file_info in folder:
                file_name, file_extension = file_info['name'], file_info['ext']

                if file_extension.lower() in ['jpg', 'png']:
                    full_file_name = f"{file_name}.{file_extension}"
                    await ctx.send(f"Cover {full_file_name} found and uploaded.")
            await ctx.send("No valid cover image found in the folder.")
            await ctx.send(f"No folder found with that name. {error}")
    except Exception as e:
        await ctx.send("An error occurred while processing the command. Please try again later.")

Maybe try using: m.get_files() instead of m.find().

It’s mostly likely due to, like if you feed the query Gone Clean, it won’t find anything since the file name matching is Gone_Clean.jpg with the underscore, and the query isn’t. So, you’d have to handle that by replacing spaces with the proper underscores.

Now i’m getting ‘No valid cover image found in the folder.’ Even though there is gone images as you’ve seen before.

I was wondering if the error could be because the mega folder is sorted like this:

My updated code:

async def cover(ctx, *, song_name):
        m = Mega()
        m.login(email, password)

        mega_folder_link = "https://mega.nz/folder/koknVbLA#_pVoBiVd5vxE4r1dCeZ1kA"

        song_name = song_name.replace(" ", "_")

        files = m.get_files()

        if files:
            for file_info in files:
                if 'name' in file_info and 'ext' in file_info:
                    file_name, file_extension = file_info['name'], file_info['ext']

                    if song_name.lower() in file_name.lower() and file_extension.lower() in ['jpg', 'png']:
                        full_file_name = f"{file_name}.{file_extension}"
                        await ctx.send(f"Cover {full_file_name} found and uploaded.")

            await ctx.send("No valid cover image found in the folder.")
            await ctx.send("No files found in the folder.")
    except Exception as e:
        await ctx.send("An error occurred while processing the command. Please try again later.")