When I leave the AI positive feedback, it shows me a frown face

Problem description:
When interacting with the Advanced AI, everytime I leave a “thumbs up” feedback, the outcome is a frown face and the feedback form opens up.


Expected behavior:
I would expect something to confirm that I left positive feedback, like a smiley face.

Actual behavior:
I am shown a frown face and the feedback form opens up. I tried it several times because I was afraid it was registering as negative feedback.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open AI panel
  2. Ask a question while “Advanced” mode is selected
  3. Click the thumbs up icon on the response received

Bug appears at this link:

Browser: Vivaldi 6.4.3160.44 (Stable channel) (64-bit)
OS: Windows 10 Pro 22H2
Device (Android, iOS, NA leave blank):
Desktop app version (Avatar menu->“Version”) or NA:
Plan (Free, Replit Core): Replit Core


Welcome @leglock and thanks for reporting this issue as well as wanting to provide our AI feedback. I can reproduce as well even with Basic AI. I’ll engage our team internally and see if we can get a fix out for this soon.


If it was clickable maybe it could just be a way to undo your thumbs up? Since the thumbs up and thumbs down disappear after you clicked the thumbs up, it could act as a sad face in case you click it again to undo your like?

(the sad face could act as a button to undo the thumbs up.)

But the fact that it’s not clickable (just checked) is strange to me.


@leglock I wanted to let you know we made some changes and the issue should be fixed now. Please feel free to verify at your convenience, and I’ll mark this as resolved for now.


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