When I create a repl owned by my EduTeam, where does it go?

yea i can’t really tell what the issue is here. If they’re trying to protect the value of premium/paid features, that’s very fair but I’d wish they could say so?

as stated in OP i am not the best programmer and even worse an application developer, so maybe im way off, but it seems like “suppress owners that are EDU teams as options in the create-a-repl UI” is not that crazy of a feature.

It doesn’t really make sense, I just transferred one of my REPL to my EDUTEAMS ti share with students and it doesn’t appear in the list but it does appear in the “last REPLS”

Hey @FrankYates!

How did you transfer your Repl to your Edu team? If you enter the Repl, do you see an “Instructions” tool in the tools menu and do you see a “Publish” button at the top right?

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To transfer to the team I used the CLUI method as one replit video helpfully said it would work

I can’t see a PUBLISH button (which is strange : I thought this was the way to send it to students )


Hey all!

We have released a change that filters Edu teams out from the create Repl menu, preventing this state from ever happening.

However, if you have created a Repl into your Edu team from the menu before this change, please share links to all of the Repls that you created so we can look into fixing them if we can!


i’ve changed the world for the better. you’re welcome, humanity.

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