What is taking this space?

I am trying to figure out what repls to remove but all it says is 110 more? How am I suppose to figure out what to delete. Also I think this limit for free should be increased to 20GiB.


They can’t possibly show all 110 repls, the list will be too long, and you might not even know what those repls are about.


I mean they could make it an optional drop down.

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I don’t have any experience with this, but it could be possible to use GQL or something and get every Repl along with the amount of storage in a nice list.


@HexHands the biggest blocks are your biggest Repls the ones taking up the most space. I believe the grey is unnamed Repls. I would recommend deleting your unnamed Repls if you need more space (sadly, you have to delete them all manually).

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I dont have any unnamed repls.

@HexHands hmmm, that’s what the grey means.

I think the grey just shows a ton of little projects that aren’t big enough to be on the real leaderboard. I hope they add something so that I can see what is taking up space.


Well, I guess this is still “manual”. But better than individually deleting them one by one.

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@joecooldoo that got released like today. When I wrote it I didn’t know about it (or it hadn’t come out then).


Nope. It’s been out for about a week now.


@joecooldoo wow I’ve been living under a rock.

I think it was only released for explorers for “last week”.

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I believe @IanAtCSTeach and others confirmed that it was unintentionally? released for the entire public as well.


This does not help when you have so many folders.

oouuuuucccchhh well that must be painful. At least tools using GQL might still work though.

Not sure if it was unintentional, but it seemed to appear for users who didn’t have explorer option turned on…

Either way it’s still a great extra feature!

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I remember someone was working on a way to download selected Repls using GQL? Or was I dreaming that?


You can select repls now?!!! FINALLY!
Btw I’m making a tool to easily delete high storage repls without going on each repl, it’ll be finished in ~4 weeks (don’t hav much time rn)

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You could create some js to select all repl titles which are currently selected, then add a button next to the delete button in the bottom right pop up which opens a window with the url https://replit.com/@<username>/<repl title>.zipfor each selected repl.
Don’t think that would need gql.
Would make this right now, but I sadly don’t have access to inspect :frowning:

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