WebSocket 502 error when running application (Quasar framework)

REPL: https://replit.com/@DanRyland/ryland-academy

I’m using Quasar framework. When running the application, which runsquasar dev, the ‘Webview’ constantly reloads the app every few seconds and shows the following console error following ever reload:

WebSocket connection to 'wss://ryland-academy.danryland.repl.co:9000/' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 502

The Repl builds and deploys as type ‘static’ without any issues.

Running the exact same code locally also works as expected with no issues.

Hey Dan, this issue should be fixed now.

To make this work, I went ahead and provisioned some changes to the referenced Repl, they’re uncommitted to git.

https://ryland-academy.danryland.repl.co:9000/ now works as expected, and the webview should work.

You’re now part of an early rollout for some changes around the webview and ports. We’re quickly iterating towards a place where configuration changes wouldn’t be necessary, but for now you should be unblocked.

Let me know if you have any questions or face any issues.


Thanks SOOO much! Appreciate you fixing the issue.

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