Updating code for students in edu

I have a teams for edu.
When I publish my code (let’s call it code A) it gets distributed to students.
However when I CHANGE my code to code B it doesn’t change student -side, they still read code A. Even if I unpublish and republish, students always only have access to original code A
I’m sure I’m not using it well , any suggestions?

Hey @FrankYates, welcome to the community!

What you’re seeing is expected. When the students’ forks are created, it takes your current version of the code. It won’t update to the latest version.


Thanks!!! Makes kind of sense.
If anyone has an idea on how to circumvent this / version / update the teacher code (when you realised you mae a mistake for example- yes teachers do that also)

Best regards

Hi @FrankYates

I know your pain. I have done this too on occasion last session.

There might be a better solution out there but what I tended to do was to choose from the following options:

(1) Make a new version of the project and place it underneath the first version in Teams e.g.

And just direct students to submit the second project, copying and pasting their added code if appropriate.

(2) Share the correction with all students via email / LMS or a shared document and ask them to copy and paste the correction in.

(3) Display the mistake on the board and have a mini lesson on it to see if they can find and resolve the error too - I understand this might be time sensitive but is good at building their resilience.

For each of the above options there are pros and cons but I usually went with options 2 and 3 in my lessons for minor corrections / additions.

Hope this helps!


Thanks Ian, now I’m sure I’m not missing anything, and that’s a good solution. Best and thanks replit for the good work .

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