Update from python2 to python3 proceeded to break my .replit and pyproject.toml files

This is the error I’m getting:

unable to read .replit:
unable to decode .replit: toml: cannot load TOML value of type map[string]interface {} into a Go slice
nix error: building nix env: problem reading '.replit' file: unable to decode .replit: toml: cannot load TOML value of type map[string]interface {} into a Go slice

This happened to a repl I was already having issues with. Now it’s even more broken :frowning:

You could go into the files’ history and restore them from there. I think replit.nix would also need to be reverted. If you include the link to your Repl someone may be able to give further insight.

It’s this one:


This particular repl seems to have all kinds of problems. This is the second post on the same repl that I was having issues with last week.

Perhaps try copying the code to a different Repl, one that already has Python3. If that one keeps giving you troubles this will probably fix it. However, with so many files that may be troublesome.

yea, I have somewhere around 40 or so files. Copying and pasting doesn’t sound ideal, nor does re-setting up everything

Instead of copying all the files to a new repl, just copy .replit and replit.nix from a new repl into the old repl!

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Just tried that, and it didn’t work. Same error