The deployment failed to initialize due to a configuration or code error (1)

This if my first time trying to deploy and I’m getting:

2024-01-05T07:04:40Z error: The deployment failed to initialize due to a configuration or code error. Check the logs tab for more information. For additional support, please post on and a staff member will take a look.

There’s nothing to help debug, so can someone please take a look?

Hey, @grossmanaitan welcome to the forums!

Can you please provide a link to the repl? This way it is easier for staff and members of the community to help you!

Also see this guide on how to share your code:

1 Like

It’s a private repl that I don’t want to share publicly. I only have one repl though if you have permission to view

Hi @grossmanaitan !
You can store the private info in Secrets or remove it temporarily.
Alternatively, forking it and censoring it and making it public could work too, as it doesn’t affect the original.

I think there’s some confusion I don’t want to share any part of my repl publicly. The instructions were “For additional support, please post on and a staff member will take a look.” but it seems like this is a public forum. If you want me to share the repl with you privately I can do that, otherwise maybe you can suggest a different avenue?

Separately, it’s pretty unfortunate that there’s no better way to debug deployment issues. If replit is offering deployment as a service, then it should either work reliably or be escalated automatically. We shouldn’t be on our own debugging with no visibility. And it seems like many people are having the same issue

That’s just some feedback

Hey @grossmanaitan !
Could you send the full logs of the error and not just the line you sent in the first post? It’s easier to determine the cause of the error this way.

2024-01-05T17:24:29Z info: Deployment: ad74c188-d7c0-48f6-a632-6e46de27c557
2024-01-05T17:24:29Z info: Build: 18697f1f-4320-49b7-a7c1-83084a363fdc
2024-01-05T17:24:29Z info: Connecting to builder
2024-01-05T17:24:31Z info: Builder connected
2024-01-05T17:24:32Z info: Installing packages
2024-01-05T17:24:32Z info: Starting Build
   Skipping validation of types


   Creating an optimized production build...

Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run:
  npx browserslist@latest --update-db
  Why you should do it regularly:

 ✓ Compiled successfully

   Collecting page data...

   Generating static pages (0/3)...

 ✓ Generating static pages (3/3)

   Finalizing page optimization...

Route (pages)                              Size     First Load JS
┌ ○ /                                      6.47 kB        84.2 kB
├   /_app                                  0 B            77.8 kB
├ ○ /404                                   181 B            78 kB
└ λ /api/hello                             0 B            77.8 kB
+ First Load JS shared by all              78 kB
  ├ chunks/framework-04b2df298aee5fa5.js   45.2 kB
  ├ chunks/main-861124208aecca7b.js        31.5 kB
  ├ chunks/pages/_app-c586f7997f828c7d.js  286 B
  ├ chunks/webpack-f73d82589f972e7d.js     743 B
  └ css/23b96161b812742f.css               228 B

λ  (Server)  server-side renders at runtime (uses getInitialProps or getServerSideProps)
○  (Static)  automatically rendered as static HTML (uses no initial props)

2024-01-05T17:25:00Z info: Pushing pid1 binary layer...
2024-01-05T17:25:01Z info: Created pid1 binary layer
2024-01-05T17:25:03Z info: Skipping Python layer creation
2024-01-05T17:25:03Z info: Skipping Node layer creation
2024-01-05T17:25:03Z info: Pushing hosting layer...
2024-01-05T17:25:03Z info: Retrieved cached nix layer
2024-01-05T17:25:03Z info: Created hosting layer
2024-01-05T17:25:20Z info: Created Repl layer
2024-01-05T17:25:21Z info: Pushed image manifest
2024-01-05T17:25:21Z info: Pushed soci index manifest
2024-01-05T17:25:21Z info: Pushed referrer manifest
2024-01-05T17:25:32Z info: Creating Autoscale service
2024-01-05T17:26:00Z error: The deployment failed to initialize due to a configuration or code error. Check the logs tab for more information. For additional support, please post on and a staff member will take a look.

Hi @grossmanaitan !
Thanks for the logs! I just need 1 more piece of information: what is your repl about (bot, website with backend, website without backend etc)?

Website without backend

Hi @grossmanaitan !
In that case, you should deploy your bot as a Reserved VM and not Autoscale or Static.
Hope this helps!

Um, no? @grossmanaitan should deploy as Static, since it’s a website without a backend, not a bot?


Static worked, thanks!

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