Students cannot Submit their solutions. Email-Verification required for anonymous students' accounts

In our Teams for Education, students cannot submit their solutions. A message is shown that Email verification is required. Students’ accounts are anonymous - no email provided (by intent), only generated pseudonyms.

Repl link/Link to where the bug appears:
In Teams for Edu accounts with anonymous student accounts.

Screenshots, links, or other helpful context:

code snippet

UI is offering to resend the verification email, but no email was given (anonymous student accounts).

Error message/notification when trying to submit solution:

We’re having the same issue


I’m sorry to read that. Takes away some of the uncertainty that I might have configured something wrong. Seems that there was some work on the features of COPPA, FERPA, and CIPA compliance. Wording etc., has changed since the screenshots for documentation were taken: Seems something is broken. Trying to verify emails that were - by intent - not collected does not make sense. It’s unclear who the recipient of such a re-sent email for verification would be.


We have the same problem. I sent an email to a week ago and haven’t yet got a response. Are staff members reading here? What else can we do to get it fixed?


A bug is reported: Students cannot Submit their solutions. Email-Verification required for anonymous students’ accounts

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Hi, Having the same problem with my students, is there a resolution yet?

Unfortunately, not. Somewhat dissatisfying. There was no reaction to the bug report, either. Feel free to support the bug report. Maybe that way, it gains some visibility and attention.

I’m looking into this, please post to the forum first, you can also use, but the forum will be best.


Thanks, Jesse! That’s good news!

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We have shipped a fix for this. Please let us know if you see the change.

Hi Jesse, has the bug fix been successful, for this problem, e.g. students can not submit solutions , due to email verification requests

Hello Jesse,

we see your change, my students are now able to submit their solutions. Great! Thank you very much for your support.
