So many bots following me

They’re not following alot of people.

So they’re not bots! The profile picture is just the default one. Many people aren’t active in community and don’t bother changing it

There are captchas, but little to no effort to train an hcaptcha AI solver xD.

i would say they are actually spam accounts JaceBillingsley i been noticing them on Minecraft servers i get on so these arent bots

So what exactly would be the point of making a bot to follow just one or two people? Or to follow any number of random people? And as long as you didn’t create or endorse the bots, look at the bright side: more followers for you.

these arent bots ik what these are I been noticing these a lot lately these are straight spam accounts

That’s what I would have contended but at the time I wrote that you were trying to convince UMARismyname that they were (post deleted now). Regardless, as long as the spam accounts are neither created nor endorsed by you, it’s more followers. I would like to look at this optimistically. And if Replit cracks down on spam accounts, it’s not your fault and nobody will be mad that spammers followed you.

You said this wasn’t the case here, but some people follow literally thousands and have legitimate accounts. In fact, MARZ123 advised me to start following random people to get more followers and it works. It’s mutually beneficial (more followers for both parties).

EDIT: Bookie0 follows 1,877 people. Bookie0 is totally legit and a respected member of the community.

it was the wrong person elijah but yeah these are pretty much spam accounts

if i get the chance to i will send a screen shot from one of these servers with the spam bots like these
edit: these spam accounts on this server has rlly gotten out of hand

The thing is they are a default and only follow me.
At the time I had no community posts and no reason to follow me.

like i said spam accounts

they are kinda like this jace ngl
!woops it had cussword in it sorry about that

here ya go sorry about that

Some of the names on that Minecraft server are pretty funny.

ikr lol but some of them were so bad I had to censor it like for god sakes this server needs to chill out

welp there goes the server crashing