Reset Student Passwords?

Hey folks,

I have a class with student replit accounts (without email) but a student has forgot their password. How do you reset this?

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Welcome back, @9084082! I don’t know what the teacher side would look like but is there a way for you to view the password on your end? If not, try contacting support. Hope this helps! :smiley:

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It should not be possible for a teacher to view student passwords. If it was possible, it’d be a security issue.

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I believe a student could click on forgot my password when they attempt to login.


You can go to Manage Team Members in your Team and click on the change password icon (looks like a lock) next to the student’s name. This will allow you to change their password to something arbitrary then they can change it to something else once they log in.


Hey! I can’t see any password icon - is it this bit I should be looking at?


Support only allows me to post here :rofl:

Sadly this only allows them to reset it if they signed up with an email which my students did not.

Yes, it should be there. If you don’t see it then it probably means your account is not verified as a Teacher Account. You can ask an admin to update your account.

if that was true please explain why my school knows the password to all my student accounts. and if they really wanted they could access my repl account because my account is saved to it on google

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You have to select ‘other’ on the issue and then you can send a ticket I think.

Don’t use oauth or let google have your password, and then that won’t be an issue

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