Replit run command not working in .replit file

This is my replit code, the run command does not work as intended.

entrypoint = "index.js"

hidden = [".config", "package-lock.json"]

command = [
    "\u0001\u001b[33m\u0002\u0001\u001b[00m\u0002 ",

regex = "Error \\[ERR_REQUIRE_ESM\\]"
message = "We see that you are using require(...) inside your code. We currently do not support this syntax. Please use 'import' instead when using external modules. ("

channel = "stable-22_11"

XDG_CONFIG_HOME = "/home/runner/$REPL_SLUG/.config"
PATH = "/home/runner/$REPL_SLUG/.config/npm/node_global/bin:/home/runner/$REPL_SLUG/node_modules/.bin"
npm_config_prefix = "/home/runner/$REPL_SLUG/.config/npm/node_global"

requiredFiles = [".replit", "replit.nix", ".config", "package.json", "package-lock.json"]

language = "nodejs"

  packageSearch = true
  guessImports = true
  enabledForHosting = false

language = "nodejs"

support = true

  transport = "localhost:0"
  startCommand = [ "dap-node" ]

    command = "initialize"
    type = "request"

      clientID = "replit"
      clientName = ""
      columnsStartAt1 = true
      linesStartAt1 = true
      locale = "en-us"
      pathFormat = "path"
      supportsInvalidatedEvent = true
      supportsProgressReporting = true
      supportsRunInTerminalRequest = true
      supportsVariablePaging = true
      supportsVariableType = true

    command = "launch"
    type = "request"
      args = []
      console = "externalTerminal"
      cwd = "."
      environment = []
      pauseForSourceMap = false
      program = "./index.js"
      request = "launch"
      sourceMaps = true
      stopOnEntry = false
      type = "pwa-node"


pattern = "**/{*.js,*.jsx,*.ts,*.tsx}"

start = "typescript-language-server --stdio"

run = "npx eslint index.js || exit 1; node index.js"
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Sorry i dont know how to use code blocks

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Welcome to Replit Ask! Add three backticks (`) on their own line before and after your code to indent it.

The run command you’re using appears to be for the deployments beta, try copying that last run line to the beginning of the .replit file.

entrypoint = "index.js"
run = "npx eslint index.js || exit 1; node index.js"
hidden = [".config", "package-lock.json"]

command = [
    "\u0001\u001b[33m\u0002\u0001\u001b[00m\u0002 ",

regex = "Error \\[ERR_REQUIRE_ESM\\]"
message = "We see that you are using require(...) inside your code. We currently do not support this syntax. Please use 'import' instead when using external modules. ("

channel = "stable-22_11"

XDG_CONFIG_HOME = "/home/runner/$REPL_SLUG/.config"
PATH = "/home/runner/$REPL_SLUG/.config/npm/node_global/bin:/home/runner/$REPL_SLUG/node_modules/.bin"
npm_config_prefix = "/home/runner/$REPL_SLUG/.config/npm/node_global"

requiredFiles = [".replit", "replit.nix", ".config", "package.json", "package-lock.json"]

language = "nodejs"

  packageSearch = true
  guessImports = true
  enabledForHosting = false

language = "nodejs"

support = true

  transport = "localhost:0"
  startCommand = [ "dap-node" ]

    command = "initialize"
    type = "request"

      clientID = "replit"
      clientName = ""
      columnsStartAt1 = true
      linesStartAt1 = true
      locale = "en-us"
      pathFormat = "path"
      supportsInvalidatedEvent = true
      supportsProgressReporting = true
      supportsRunInTerminalRequest = true
      supportsVariablePaging = true
      supportsVariableType = true

    command = "launch"
    type = "request"
      args = []
      console = "externalTerminal"
      cwd = "."
      environment = []
      pauseForSourceMap = false
      program = "./index.js"
      request = "launch"
      sourceMaps = true
      stopOnEntry = false
      type = "pwa-node"


pattern = "**/{*.js,*.jsx,*.ts,*.tsx}"

start = "typescript-language-server --stdio"

It does not seem to work. The file does run but said command line: “npx eslint index.js || exit 1” doesn’t run. It works in shell though

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Also, the run command only works when there’s no interpreter configured.


Thanks, but when i tried removing the interpreter command, it spit out a ton of errors


Did you remove the entire section with it?

command = [
  "\u0001\u001b[33m\u0002\u0001\u001b[00m\u0002 ",

That’s the section that’d need removed


yea it says unable to decode .toml smth


Did you remove that entire section? What is the error it’s giving you?

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nvm, i came back and now it works for some reason. Thanks for helping!

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