Replit is Broken

what is the exact reason they are getting rid of free (planning to at leat). i mean keeps going down maybe their reason for paid hosting is their servers are filled up or somthing or having issues, idk

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They are not getting rid of free hosting! It is literally the entire point of Replit. They are going to release Deployments soon, so hosting on Replit will be more reliable than ever, and most importantly, free.


The ā€œdeploy to cover pageā€ thing is still planned as far as I can tell.

were do you guys find all this news?

They are releasing Deployments slowly to the public, including free users. It wouldnā€™t make sense for them to switch it up to paying.

@bigminiboss told me.

Try Thereā€™s also lots of stuff scattered across Ask.

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mhm iirc itā€™ll be rolled out so that the base is free but you can upgrade for like more storage and always on? iirc

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Check the UI when you deploy a repl, it says clearly that free users will only be allowed to ā€œdeploy to the cover pageā€.

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oof I canā€™t read srry

Please define ā€œdeployā€. Is that different from the normal web hosting?

basically lol (as far as I can tell)

Yes but all 100 people voted on ONE topic about it.

Replit is a LARGE company no? And again, there arenā€™t even 100 people actually active on here.

Like Ethan said, they DO have time.

Yes but it took them about a month to respond.

We are talking about a post made in mid February my guy. No one is asking for them to do it in a day.


Iā€™ve been told several times recently that there are several really active staff on Ask, but that they are busy doing stuff behind the scenes and not posting here. Perhaps it would help them to have more moderators or at least TL4s. I know that Ethan is super busy on Ask and Matt tries to help him, but thatā€™s only two people actively helping the staff (that I can see). There are lots of posts here for so few people to truly moderate.


I couldnā€™t have said it better myself. This was exactly what I was trying to point out


Not true! My only interaction with mods has beenā€¦ An unreasonable warn which was decided by two mods one of which warned and the other declined my appealā€¦


I donā€™t understand your post @7heMech. You quote @JayAySeaOhBee14 saying that the modsā€™ abuse of power needs to be addressed, then say itā€™s not true, then give an example of the mods messing up. It seems contradictory to me. Or am I just missing something?


Yeahā€¦ Itā€™s sarcasm, sorry.

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This is just inspirational. A well written speech. 10/10

I was going to say the first bullet point, but you said it first :frowning:

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@JayAySeaOhBee14 I agree this is getting out of hand.

Also, another issue Iā€™m finding commonly is copying repls and publishing without credit. Including the publishing of scratch projects. Iā€™m seeing them everywhere.