failing to load ONLY on Windows machines


We use replit in a school and have two computer rooms. In one, a room of Macs, replit runs fine in Safari and in Chrome.

In the other, on PCs, and only on student AD accounts, we are completely stuck at ‘Replit is loading’ page, in Chrome and Microsoft Edge. After some debugging we can see that Replit is ‘failing to connect’. We have tried the clearing cache etc. to no avail.

My IT team are unsure what could be blocking this as there is ‘no difference’ in the network set up between the rooms and it seems to work completely in my IT team’s student test accounts.

Can anyone help? I am not sure what to provide in terms of logs and debugging.

Thank you

@missarnold Your IT team is best suited to assist as they are the most familiar with the environment, the user account setup, and the devices. It seems like you’ve narrowed it down quite a bit and it would be good to keep comparing the differences (not just the network but also the machine differences and the account differences).

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Thank you. If we provided two user accounts that are experiencing issues would you be able to provide any logging detail from your end as to whether there are any issues being flagged by the accounts? My IT team suggest that they can’t exactly see where replit is failing to connect and if there is anything further that needs to be whitelisted or opened.

We can take a look but no guarantee we’ll have much in our logs if the issue is on the client side.

I’d recommend allowlisting these domains:

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Thank you Suzy!
Please can you check @jparvais27 and @dchouhan27 ?
Anything to help my IT guys solve it…

@missarnold I looked at their accounts and their recent Repls, but I am not seeing anything helpful in the logs or indicating any issues. Are they both seeing this when they go to “”? Or is it when they go to a Repl?

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Hi, it is when loading a repl! It just hangs. We are wondering what could be blocking it. It works on staff AD accounts. So it could be any one of the microservices that a single repl connects to when it loads- if the microservice is being caught by one of our student content blockers - but I cannot find a list of them so hard to single something out! can you help with that? Thank you for looking.

@missarnold Forgive my ignorance on such things, but does the student content blocker not say what network traffic it is blocking?

In a previous life, I worked with some security software and it would log those occurrences for our IT/network/security teams to investigate, but maybe it’s different at a school.

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I completely get where you’re coming from… my IT team said don’t have that list of the services in so much detail – hence asking me to ask you – they said all they can see is that replit has the green tick on their end as the page loads fine with no warnings. We’re not quite sure what to look for.
I am very stuck as I can’t see what they see, and I can’t see what you see!
Our students are on half term this week and I’d love to get to the bottom of this before we return next week :frowning:

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So what you can try to do is have one of the users experiencing the issue generate a .har file for your IT team:

You’ll want them to start recording before they click on the Repl and make sure to have “Preserve Log” checked so it records through the page load.

If there are blocked requests, sometimes they will show up there. Please note that .har files can have sensitive information so I don’t want you to share it on the forums. Just share it with your IT team.

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