Replit Auth with Python Flask (Using replit.web)

Want to make a Flask site with Replit authentication? Here’s how!

Basic app with auth

Here’s a basic Flask application:

from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
    return 'Hello!'

if __name__ == '__main__':'', 80)

Now let’s use replit.web to add authentication:

from replit import web


def index():
    return f'Hello {}!'


If you want a custom login page:


@web.authenticated('Please log in: <script authed="location.reload()" src=""></script>')
def index():

User store

replit.web comes with a DB, the user store. Here’s how you can use it:

users = web.UserStore()

def index():
    users.current["visits"] = users.current.get("visits", 0) + 1
    return f"Hello {}! You have visited this page {users.current["visits"]} times.'


You can read the blog post about replit.web here and find documentation here.

Thanks for reading! This is a wiki so any members can make changes.


@QwertyQwerty88 It’s not a wiki.



It got late and I was distracted lol. @Firepup650 made it a wiki though, so thanks.