Remove auto complete

How i can remove autocomplete?

Replit Profile:

Hey @vitaliykostiuk welcome to the community!

You can turn off autocomplete by going into your Repl, and going to where it says Tools >, find the gear icon that says Settings and click that. Scroll down until you find AI Autocomplete click on it and it should turn it off. I hope this helps!


Hello. I have seen this question multiple times now and I cant seem to solve it. I use Replit in webbrowser and am relatively new.
On the top left I saw these three staggered boxes in which there was the ā€˜Settingsā€™ option. This brings my to my profile, account, billing information etc. No matter where I seem to look, I canā€™t find anything related to AI.

Now if i go to one of my projects, there is this button ā€˜Toolsā€™ but it does not bring me to any type of ā€˜Settingsā€™ option. Below it there are some icons, one of which is AI (among Deployments, AUthenticatoin, Chat, Console, Database etc.). If i click it, it opens up a chat AI with the prompt
Replit AI
Use Replit AI to set up newā€¦
But nowhere any option for ā€˜AI autocompleteā€™ or any way to turn it off.

I hope this slightly more detailled description might help you help me,
I thank you for your help so far!


You can create a new tab in the workspace (the + button), then type User Settings. You should find the AI autocomplete toggle in there.


thank you this solved it. :slightly_smiling_face:

i deactivated suggestions and it is still giving me suggestions. im trying to learn how to code but i cant think of the logic myself that it already gives me the complete code already made.

im on ios, could this be why?

Oh, you might mean Code Intelligence:

You can turn this off in the User Settings too. Scroll down and turn off the toggle switch ā€œCode Intelligenceā€.


in tab check the bottm-left corner and uncheck the ai autocomplete