[Reminder] Upcoming Changes to Replit Hacker Plan and Cycles Pricing

On January 17, 2023, we announced changes to pricing for Hacker and Cycles customers. Also see this Ask post for reference.

On May 5, 2023, the grace period will expire, and we will transition to the new pricing and plan benefits.

Changes for Hacker Customers
We will be reducing the number of Boosts and Always On we provide from five to one each. When you are actively coding in the Workspace, you will continue to have 2 vCPUs and 2 GiB RAM. Your other Repls will be transitioned to 0.5 vCPUs and 0.5 GiB RAM.

To ease the transition, until May 5, you can turn off Boosts and Always On above the limit and when you turn them back on, you will be prompted to use Cycles.

On May 5, 2023, we will turn off all in-plan Boosts and Always On over the one each provided.

Changes for Cycles Customers
We will be transitioning any Repls powered up using Cycles to the new pricing:

  • Boost (to 2 vCPUs and 2 GiB RAM): 2 cycles/day to 20 cycles/day ($0.20)
  • Always On: 2 cycles/day to 20 cycles/day ($0.20)
  • Private Repls: 150 cycles/month to 500 cycles/month ($5.00)

On May 5, 2023, if you don’t have enough Cycles to meet the Cycles usage requirements, you will be prompted to buy Cycles to continue using your Power Ups.

Announcing Cycles Auto-Refill
We have introduced Cycles Auto-Refill, which allows you to automatically buy more when you run out of Cycles. You can read more about Auto-Refill in our documentation or enable it on the My Cycles page.

If you have questions or need additional information, please visit our Support Page and our documentation.


this is definitely going to have some growing pains accompanying it and I definitely wish we stayed as before but I understand – even if I don’t agree with – replit’s thinking :+1:


And the great surprising amazing things that were mentioned as a way to partly compensate for this have never come. Even the pro plan feels like a joke as the programming environment is very often slow like a crawl and GhostWrite is nice, but inferior even to the free GPT (not to mention the cheaper copilot)


I guess our feedback wasn’t listened to. We all showed our distaste for this and suggested alternatives to let you (Replit) make more money while letting us keep some more stuff whether it’s giving us more boosts but less powerful, making hacker $10/month instead, and many others


Thank you for the update Antoine!


wow I wanted to say that but didn’t have the courage I agree with it – but again, I still understand this is technically a viable decision albeit the worst possible one imo


While I agree, after using pro and realising their promises are not fulfilled (e.g. our storage problems will be soon over) and the 8x programming environment is damn false (I mean sometimes console refresh of 0.4s is ok, sometimes needs to be 5s) … I am quite unhappy.


What storage problems are you referring to?


the limitations that (on free) cause storage to make it difficult to install modules. I pay and do not see it, my son on free struggles and moved out of replit already (again).
Some of you guys said, wait April for some amazing things …


Yeah, no… ChatGPT gives you nonsense code, uses bad practices, sometimes imports libraries that don’t exist, etc.


We’re very close to releasing a new feature that will directly address this. Soon, you’ll be able to increase the storage of your Repls. We’re going to be releasing to explorers (likely) sometime next week.


well … I beg to differ. Try to go non-mainstream with both and you will see. The difference is little

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as a beta tester, I can attest this is true but atm it’s very buggy ;-;


let’s see how many cycles this is going to cost …

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can’t tell since for beta testers it’s free lol

That is why we do beta tests! To find/fix/address bugs before we release. Thank you for participating! :slight_smile:

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What are you comparing relative speed to? Your local environment? If so, what are the specs?


:+1: yeah no problem it’s just a bit tough since there are some finicky tricks I needed to get it to work XD

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I am not comparing to local, it makes little sense.
It is very simple, if I run the same code in the same environment I expect the same performance. On repl (pro) I get a huge variation of performance (depending on when I run it even). And that is not in line with stating very high speed coding environment. It means that even the definition of CPU in repl is somehow depending on the current load and not an absolute and cannot be relied on.

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If you want me to disable it for you, please reach out to me on discord!