Question on writing code for a simple task organizer


Current behavior:

Desired behavior

Repl link:

code snippet

Hey @adriensegura welcome to the forums!

Can you provide more information by filling out the fields so we can help you better? Also, do you have a Repl with current progress, if so could you provide the link to that Repl?

here it is, any help would be appreciated! I keep running through an issue when I click to run it displays “hello world” I dont know why

This is because it is running the file which says Hello World, if you wanted to change it you could move your code from your file over to the file or you could change the entrypoint = in the .replit file. To access it click on the three dots next to Files > and click Show Hidden Files, go to the .replit file and find where it says entrypoint = change it to, in your case, entrypoint = "src/main/java/". I hope this helps!

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Thank you for responding, but unfortunately it still outputs “Hello world”. I went into the replit.file and changed the entrypoint to what you said and I saved it, I am not sure what else could be the issue. Are you able to see what is happening?

@adriensegura yes, I forgot you also have to change run = make sure to change it to this → run = "java -classpath .:target/dependency/* TaskTracker". I changed the previous Main to TaskTracker and it should work. I hope this helps!


Hey Sallad, when I clicked run on it still says hello world, did I do something wrong? The file its running is

@adriensegura did you change both the entrypoint = and run =? On my end of the Fork it works just fine. If it doesn’t work after you change them try Forking your Repl and seeing if that works. I hope this helps!

ohh sorry I misunderstood, I thought you said you went in to change it on my end. It seems to have worked because it displayed what I wanted and asked me to enter my choice so I entered “1” but it didn’t input anything after that. Im new to all of this, is it just being slow or is there another problem with the code?

@adriensegura the code seems to work on my end. Is it supposed to be able to write tasks, to read tasks, and to exit?

Task Tracker Application
1. Add Task
2. View Tasks
3. Exit
Enter your choice: 1

Add Task
Enter task description: Task #1
Task added successfully!

Task Tracker Application
1. Add Task
2. View Tasks
3. Exit
Enter your choice: 2

View Tasks
Task: Task #1

Task Tracker Application
1. Add Task
2. View Tasks
3. Exit
Enter your choice: 3

Exiting program... 

I got it working now, I added some more options to it I guess it was just frozen on my end. Thank you again for your help I really appreciate you taking the time and figuring this out with me!

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@adriensegura your welcome, I enjoyed helping out!


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