POLL: What is better? Python or C++

From Wikipedia:

In 1979, Bjarne Stroustrup, a Danish computer scientist, began work on "C with Classes

Essentially that’s all C++ was built for. C+a bit of classes. other than that and a couple syntax changes, it’s relatively the same.
C# is kind of a wildcard of the two and Java though lol.

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That was the intention and how most oldies looked and look at it.
Today what i hear is that intention is gone. cpp has turned into something else where classes are the must and OO is king. Even functional programming has crept in there.

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With the new versions the maintainers basically dumped a bunch of useless functions into the lang just to justify releasing a new version every year or so.

Soon compilers will allow

import std;
int main() { std::println("Hello World!"); }

But that’s just Python with semicolons…
download (21)

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The first quote perfectly sums how bad C and C++ is. It’s equivalent to shooting yourself in the foot and/or exploding

to be honest idk i have never coded in these languages only node.js lol

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I have a deep hatred for C, hence why I am learning it.

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No, that’s just python with semicolons and curly braces.

I thought Python used curly brackets for dictionaries. Either way it still makes me vomit.

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Oh yeah…

Then it’s just python with semicolons and no colons.

Welcome to all people that know C. We know C because we hate C but need C. See?

I need to learn C for my Arduino.

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Wow I am blind…

Ok. Just python with semicolons lol.

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Python 100% I would have no bias at all. I totally don’t only use Python :100: . Ok, have a good day y’all.