Poll Time! How often you come across errors?

How often do you come across errors?

  • Never
  • 1 hours
  • 5-6 hours
  • 1-2 days
0 voters

Where’s the “Whenever I change something” option?


@element1010 , How are you so good at programming?! I get errors every 10 min - 20 min on a good day.


It always depends on a person’s style of coding. Some people write code very carefully, some people use compiled languages, some people hardly run their code, and some people just spew out some code and then fix the trivial errors that follow (this is how I code normally).


And some people don’t code that much. :upside_down_face:


if someone puts never they’re a liar or a super genius


The number of errors I have depends on the programming language. In Python or JS, errors probably occur once an hour. But when I try to write to WGSL, errors occur every two minutes.


What’s this language? Never heard of it.

Every time I code, there will be errors. You can’t avoid it. Whether it’s finding out that Firestore doesn’t allow lists in lists, or that MongoDB times out every time, you’ll get an error either way. Not to mention Flask gives you a looong error that beats around the bush. But errors can be quite helpful, but in someways, totally useless.

Every 5-6 hours I get errors I can’t solve and post them on Ask. I get typical bugs every 1-2 hours, but they are easily fixable. Plus I generally only code 1-3 hours a day so yeah.


WebGPU Shading Language. It is used to write shaders for WebGPU in JavaScript. It’s strictly typed, which is why I don’t like it. I started studying because I wanted to speed up my bacterial simulation (each bacterium has its own instance of the neural network, which does not work very fast).


What are these? I have seen some websites and games that use them, but I don’t know what they do at all.

it depends for me

when Im programming in python, I usually came across some errors not as intense as every 1 or 2 hour, but they still randomly occor

when Im programming a web interface with html, what is error, never heard of it

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These are functions that the GPU must perform a certain number of times. It’s like the body of the for loop. This function receives different input data, but they are all essentially different indexes of the same action. There are three types of shaders in WGSL: for determining the coordinates of the vertices of a triangle for drawing, for calculating the color of pixels, and for other calculations on the GPU (for example, for matrix multiplication).

Games use them to draw graphics or compute using the GPU.

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<lol, this is technically valid HTML code and won't error>
Even though it's very <i>weird,<b>it does work.


in html, there might be bugs.
but error? I call them unplanned features


It will show what you wrote!

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well looks like a super genius then. Then agian i dont code very much lol