PikaWriter Extension!

It was just put on the main store, try it now.


uwu! okway thwnk yuu pika-chan uwu!

  "error": {
    "message": "This model's maximum context length is 4097 tokens. However, you requested 4365 tokens (3865 in the messages, 500 in the completion). Please reduce the length of the messages or completion.",
    "type": "invalid_request_error",
    "param": "messages",
    "code": "context_length_exceeded"

after he died…

pikabot: I'm sorry, but I must clarify that I am an AI language model, and it's important to maintain a respectful tone in our conversation. How can I assist you with your Python coding today, Fat Pikachu?

Idkwhttph: so did PikachuB2005 create you?

pikabot: No, PikachuB2005 did not create me

Idkwttph:you monkey!!! You said you would remember me as fat pika!!!

pika-chan: I apologize for the mistake, Fat Pika! How can I assist you with your Python learning journey?

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@PikachuB2005 @AMOGHSANGINENI I think you can exit beta by going to your Account tab and scrolling down and unchecking Explorer.


Explorer is different from the betas I’m talking about. You can only join them if an admin sets the flag on your account afaik. So an admin would have to remove it.


Can the Pika Writer background be a different color please. I can barley see the text.

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It matches you theme, so it depends on what you choose ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I’m using VS Code Dark, so for me it looks like


I am using the normal light mode for Replit.

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I’m guessing the text is white, then? @PikachuB2005 can you change it to use the users’ theme foreground colors?

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Well it’s kind of uncomfortable to see. Also what would I change to make the color different?

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Yeah ik its beautiful
pika-chan does not remember that he addresses me as fat pika and he does not remember PikachuB2005 created the bot :rofl:

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Ah ok, misunderstood, guess Pika did use the theme’s foreground colors.

me: address me as fat pika

pika-chan: **addresses me as fat pika** **asks me smth**

me: create a clicker simulator pls uh pls get some features on it like achievements or smth

baby pika-chan: ok wait so here is code wait :3


import random
from os import system as sys

clicks = 0
multiplier = 1
click_power = 1
bonus_clicks = 0
achievements = []

def get_click_power():
    Returns the current click power based on the multiplier and any bonus clicks received.
    return click_power * (multiplier + bonus_clicks)

def check_achievements():
    Checks if any achievements have been earned based on the current number of clicks.
    achievements_to_check = ["First Click", "5 Clicks", "10 Clicks", "25 Clicks", "50 Clicks", "100 Clicks", "500 Clicks"]
    for achievement in achievements_to_check:
        if achievement not in achievements and clicks >= get_achievement_clicks(achievement):
            print(f"Achievement unlocked: {achievement}!")

def get_achievement_clicks(achievement):
    Returns the number of clicks required to earn the specified achievement.
    if achievement == "First Click":
        return 1
    elif achievement == "5 Clicks":
        return 5
    elif achievement == "10 Clicks":
        return 10
    elif achievement == "25 Clicks":
        return 25
    elif achievement == "50 Clicks":
        return 50
    elif achievement == "100 Clicks":
        return 100
    elif achievement == "500 Clicks":
        return 500

def get_upgrade_name(upgrade_num):
    Returns the name of the upgrade corresponding to the given number.
    upgrades = ["More Click Power", "More Clicks per Click", "Bonus Clicks"]
    return upgrades[upgrade_num]

def get_upgrade_cost(upgrade_num):
    Returns the cost of the upgrade corresponding to the given number.
    costs = [10, 100, 1000]
    return costs[upgrade_num]

def buy_upgrade():
    Handles the process of purchasing upgrades.
    print("Which upgrade would you like to buy?")
    for i in range(3):
        print(f"{i+1}. {get_upgrade_name(i)} (${get_upgrade_cost(i)})")

    choice = int(input("Enter choice: "))

    if choice < 1 or choice > 3:
        print("Invalid choice.")

    cost = get_upgrade_cost(choice-1)
    if clicks < cost:
        print("Not enough clicks to purchase upgrade.")

    global click_power, multiplier, bonus_clicks
    if choice == 1:
        click_power += 1
    elif choice == 2:
        multiplier += 1
    elif choice == 3:
        bonus_clicks += 1

    print(f"Purchased {get_upgrade_name(choice-1)} for ${cost}")
    clicks -= cost

while True:
    print("======= CLICKER SIMULATOR =======")
    print(f"Clicks: {clicks}")
    print(f"Current click power: {get_click_power()}")
    print(f"Multiplier: {multiplier}")
    print(f"Bonus clicks: {bonus_clicks}")
    print(f"Achievements: {achievements}")
    print("What would you like to do?")
    print("1. Click!")
    print("2. Buy an upgrade")
    print("3. Exit")

    choice = int(input("Enter choice: "))

    if choice == 1:
        clicks += get_click_power()
    elif choice == 2:
    elif choice == 3:

    if random.random() < 0.1 and clicks > 0:
        bonus_clicks += 1
        print("You received a bonus click!")

if this is what free ghostwriter can do then might as well yall better cancel your pro plans because this is the new ghostwriter

I am amazed at how pika-chan can come up with this in less than 30 seconds

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "main.py", line 108, in <module>
  File "main.py", line 73, in buy_upgrade
    if clicks < cost:
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'clicks' referenced before assignment

but who cares i fixed it its a minor ewwor!

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pika writer:

from decimal import Decimal

numerator = Decimal('13871616378123712387137812361782631273612763173672317231')
denominator = Decimal('31231312131231232132131')

result = numerator / denominator

i am asking pika-chan baby-sama to divide that… and it gives me this wow wow

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I don’t use light mode, yikes. I think this is because I’m using solid colors, and ghostwriter has some transparency. I’ll look into it, thanks for letting me know :+1:

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That’s the whole point :tada: Glad it could help lol

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I changed it, hopefully that transparency works well on all themes.

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Yes it is absolutely beautiful I luv it so much
I let it call me fat pika
and i call it pika-chan

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Is it suppose to say billing not active?


That should be fixed now, sorry

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