Page 404s when opening in a new tab

I think also have the same problem when I open the Replit editor and try to open a site in a separate tab; it gives a 404 error on every Replit I have. Webview inside replit editor works just fine.

Screenshot 2023-10-07 160256

when we click open in new tab web view is not opening and showing 404 error please resolve it

Replit Profile:

Could you try what was mentioned in this post:

Hope this helps!
It’s a workaround for now.

hello, my replit website is not going, it’s going to a page called “Replit - 404” which is saying Not found error: This is not the page you’re looking for.
If you think this is a mistake, check the status page for active incidents, contact support or ask the community. So I clicked on Ask the Community.

Replit Profile:

If i run a code and i want too open in another tabs it will shown 404 error result

404 error result

Why is it showing error 404 when I try to open my project in webview?


Bug description:

getting 404 error when running project in a new tabs.

Expected vs Current Behavior:

expecting project in new window, give 404 error.

Steps to reproduce:

Bug appears at this link:

Screenshot(s)/Screen Recording:

Browser/OS/Device: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 OPR/

Replit Profile:

Hi @tristanallen56 @pradiphiwale @AribasoyeDavid @cparchive1235 , welcome to the forums!
Could you try what was mentioned in this post:

It’s a workaround for now.
Hope this helps!

why this 404 not found is happening ? it never happened before.

Hi @Sk-Mahhmudul-Ha !
We have no idea why this is happening. All we can do is to wait for an official response from the Replit Staff.

??? yes we do, the link for the webview open in new tab button is taking to<username>/<repl-slug>.<username> instead of just <repl-slug>, prob cause


Yes, but we don’t know why it’s changed the redirect link.

Why i m getting a replit 404 error when i m opening my repl in new tab?
and why developer option like console are not opening

Replit Profile:

hey folks,

We’re taking a look right, sorry for the delay on this one!


replit new tab error

Replit Profile:

Bug description: When I am trying to preview my website using ‘Open new tab’ button its showing 404 NOT FOUND Error.

Expected vs Current Behavior:
Expected : I must be able to preview my website using ‘Open new tab’ button
Current : Unable to preview website in new tab

Bug appears at this link:

Screenshot(s)/Screen Recording:

Browser/OS/Device: Chrome/(Windows 11 Home; Win64; x64)

Replit Profile:

Hey all!

If you are still having issues, can you please share the link to your Repl that you are seeing the issue on?


Hi @pgpatil7897 @RoshanPujhari , welcome to the forums!
Could you try what was mentioned in this post:

It’s a workaround for now.
Hope this helps!

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This is now fixed! Thanks for your patience

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