Otp code bot I need help completing this code


Repl link:

import random
from telegram import Update, KeyboardButton, ReplyKeyboardMarkup
from telegram.ext import (

# Replace 'YOUR_TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN' with your actual bot token obtained from BotFather
TOKEN = 'Your_Token'

# Handler for the '/start' command
def start(update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None:
    chat_id = update.message.chat_id
    otp_code = generate_otp()
    send_otp(chat_id, otp_code)

# Handler for text messages
def handle_text(update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None:
    chat_id = update.message.chat_id
    message_text = update.message.text

    if message_text == '/generate':
        otp_code = generate_otp()
        send_otp(chat_id, otp_code)

# Generate a random 6-digit OTP code
def generate_otp() -> str:
    return str(random.randint(100000, 999999))

# Send the generated OTP code to the user
def send_otp(chat_id: int, otp_code: str) -> None:
    update.message.reply_text(f"Your OTP code is: {otp_code}")

def main():
    updater = Updater(TOKEN, use_context=True)
    dispatcher = updater.dispatcher

    # Add handlers
    dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler("start", start))
    dispatcher.add_handler(MessageHandler(Filters.text & ~Filters.command, handle_text))

    # Start the bot

    # Run the bot until you press Ctrl-C

if __name__ == '__main__':

Hey @MarkScott9, welcome to the community!

What exactly do you need help with?


I need help with creating a telegram Otp code bot that can bypass any website verification

Pls can you help me with the code to run the Python program

Idk if that’s allowed…

What do you mean? Are you getting any errors?


Yes am getting some errors while running the code

Where can I contact you for more information about this cause have been trying to do this all day and it keep being the same thing

Can you help me to code a Python code for creating a OTp telegram code bot that can bypass any verification code on any website and app

Okay what errors? Can you copy and paste them here?

from typing import Final, NamedTuple
ImportError: cannot import name 'Final' from 'typing' (/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/E9D36DBA-904F-41A4-8666-E892EBED62B3/Runner.app/pyhome/lib/python3.7/typing.pyc)
Pytho3IDE run end!

That is what it keeps bringing

Uh, that line isn’t in your code. Can you send the link to your Repl?


That is it can you help me to correct the problem please

Well I don’t do Telegram bots but for anyone who can help, this is the actual error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "main.py", line 2, in <module>
    from telegram import Update, KeyboardButton, ReplyKeyboardMarkup
ImportError: cannot import name 'Update' from 'telegram' (/home/runner/RcU8Rk33DFk/.pythonlibs/lib/python3.10/site-packages/telegram/__init__.py)