Node.js in HTML

How do i get node.js to work in an html project? I have been trying to get node.js to work in html for a few days now and nothing seems to work (that ive found). I found this project on another old replit ask but i cant figure out how @Coder100 did it:

all i need to use node.js for is this:

const { MongoClient, ServerApiVersion } = require('mongodb');
const uri = "mongodb+srv://";

// Create a MongoClient with a MongoClientOptions object to set the Stable API version
const client = new MongoClient(uri, {
  serverApi: {
    version: ServerApiVersion.v1,
    strict: true,
    deprecationErrors: true,

async function run() {
  try {
    // Connect the client to the server	(optional starting in v4.7)
    await client.connect();
    // Send a ping to confirm a successful connection
    await client.db("admin").command({ ping: 1 });
    console.log("Pinged your deployment. You successfully connected to MongoDB!");
  } finally {
    // Ensures that the client will close when you finish/error
    await client.close();

In Coder100’s repl, they created an express server in nodejs as the backend, and made it host an html page.


not gonna lie i dont know what the heck you said but can you tell me how to do it any ways

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I am confused what you mean by making NodeJS in HTML. You use NodeJS to make a server to host HTML. You can use HTML in NodeJS but not NodeJS in HTML. Also AFAIK you cannot use NodeJS on an HTML/CSS/JS Repl template because those templates are special. Luckily you used the NodeJS template. Can you please rephrase your question?


To create an HTML application with the Node.js backend, use Node.js template with HTML, CSS files.


all i really need to do is be able to use mongodb atlas in repl, so if you could help me with it, thank you

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What does that have to do with HTML? Here’s the Docs on MongoDB on Replit.


well i need to me able to use the information stored on mongodb’s server for the website

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What template do you use to create a website?

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The html/css/js template

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Why are you trying to make it in an HTML/CSS/JS Repl? Just create a Node.js Repl like Coder100 did.


I would highly recommend not letting people send in code for XSS reasons.


All you have to do is fork

and then put in the Node.js you need, put in the HTML and run the repl. A regular HTML/CSS/JS repl can’t run Nodejs at all, it has no server.

Edit: the javascript alone won’t be enough btw you need to start a server with Express,, and modify the code to host the website


why does the error that pops up disappear right way in the console and it starts to loop showing the same text than an error i cant read

A bug with Replit, crashloops are common and usually happen when you’re trying to stop a Repl, while the client/service is still trying to run the Repl.


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