Math code help!

How do I get the mathematical calculation out of this equation?
Hello guys, I’m starting to learn Python, and I’m having trouble with this code.

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the code is so bad that I can’t tell if this is a parody

('X'==9 and 'Y'==5)
Z=('X' + 'Y'); 
print("current value of 'Z' after task is : ", Z)

You are … bruh ;-; this is … how

X, Y = 9, 5
Z = X + Y
print("current value of 'Z' after task is : ", Z)

You need to change == to = for var declaration & 'VAR' doesn’t work, just do VAR.

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sorry, I am still learning.

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yeah totally fine, just mark my post as solution please :smiley:

It’s giving me an unexpected indent error on line 2.

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That means you wrote the code wrong. I recommend following a basic python tutorial of which there are many on google, before you start coding.


Look up Python tutorial or W3Schools Python and follow the tutorials there. You can also do 100 days of code here on Replit!


This is like the worst parts of JS and Python had a baby. But, beginner code tends to look horrid to experienced devs.


did you copy paste that exactly?

that is true lol ok then…


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