January 2023 Contributor Badge - Call for Suggestions!

If you would like to suggest ideas for the first contributor badge of 2023 please add them below. It could be anything but please take a look at the badges tag for previous badges and discussions.

Any images used should be creative commons / copyright free.


A ball like in times square. I think that’s known world wide…

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You are making me want animated badges again!


That would need a very complex theme component though. Though I think it is possible. So if you want it to have fun making it.

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Like some fireworks maybe? New year and all that


Yeah I tried with the October badge but transparencies were tricky. Happy to look again though.


That’s a nice idea @CodingCactus ! I mean I could be very biased and go for something like this: https://stonehavenfireballs.co.uk/

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I’m late! Well, I think we should wait until the 19th to get some ideas. A Replit Townhall event is being hosted, and I’m sure new things will be added, and we could make a badge of a new feature.


Bumping this to the top for some last minute suggestions!

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IDEA: Make the ball dropping animation, but script it so that the more someone contributed, the more confetti falls at the end.


I feel I am being trolled, but I can stretch time, it’s cool :smiley:

It actually does sound pretty awesome. 2023 moving away from static badges to GQL-fed achievement repls?

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I have suggested animated badges in the past but it will be super hard to to make a theme component for this stuff and with our skill level…

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Yeah, my idea with my very little knowledge of JS would be to create different animations/mp4s (maybe 3 or so) and in each one more confetti falls at the end. Then, using a script that gets someone’s contributions for this month, will play a different one depending on how much someone contributed.

That’s my idea.

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To be honest I wouldn’t know where to start with hooking this into the Discourse badging system but happy to put it on my investigate later list!

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The easiest would be making a theme component and replace the image with a gif

Maybe something related to India since Replit India just launched!