Integrate the code of my chatbot in a Wordpress website

Hey all, I built an AI assistant and now I would like to link the code to my Wordpress website. Being specific, I would like when the user clicks the classic widget for the support in the homepage, a chat interface is opened and the user can start to chat with the AI assistant.
Does anyone know how to do it? Thanks in advance

this is the “” code of my AI Assistant hosted on replit:

from flask import Flask, render_template, request, jsonify
import os
import qdrant_client
from langchain_community.vectorstores import Qdrant
from langchain_openai.embeddings import OpenAIEmbeddings
from langchain.text_splitter import CharacterTextSplitter
from langchain.chains import RetrievalQA
from langchain_openai.llms import OpenAI
import re
import logging
import random
from functions import preprocess_query, filter_bot_response

# Configure basic logging
    format="%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s",

app = Flask(__name__)

# Global variable to track the first message after server restart
first_message_received = False

# Environment variables set in Repl's Secrets

# Create Qdrant client and collection
client = qdrant_client.QdrantClient(os.getenv("QDRANT_HOST"), api_key=os.getenv("QDRANT_API_KEY"))
collection_config = qdrant_client.http.models.VectorParams(size=1536, distance=qdrant_client.http.models.Distance.COSINE)
client.recreate_collection(collection_name=os.getenv("QDRANT_COLLECTION"), vectors_config=collection_config)

# Create vector store
embeddings = OpenAIEmbeddings()
vectorstore = Qdrant(client=client, collection_name=os.getenv("QDRANT_COLLECTION"), embeddings=embeddings)
# Set up the retrieval-based QA chain
qa = RetrievalQA.from_chain_type(llm=OpenAI(), chain_type="stuff", retriever=vectorstore.as_retriever())

# Add documents to your vector database
def get_chunks(text):
    separator = "\n\n"
    qna_pairs = text.split(separator)
    chunks = [pair for pair in qna_pairs if pair]
    return chunks

with open("text.txt") as f:
    raw_text =
texts = get_chunks(raw_text)

# Plug the vector store to your retrieval chain
qa = RetrievalQA.from_chain_type(llm=OpenAI(), chain_type="stuff", retriever=vectorstore.as_retriever())

# Flask routes
def index():
    return render_template('index.html')


def contains_keyword(text):
  return any(keyword.lower() in text.lower() for keyword in KEYWORDS)

# Example usage within the Flask route:
@app.route('/query', methods=['POST'])
def query():
    data = request.json
    query_text = preprocess_query(data['query'])

    # Log the received query"Received query: {query_text}")

    # Retrieve the functions' response
    response = qa.invoke(query_text)  
    response_text = response.get('result', '')

    # Now use response_text for further processing
    bot_response = response_text

    # Check for special responses and replace if needed
    bot_response = filter_bot_response(bot_response)

    # Check for keywords in both the query and the response
    if not contains_keyword(query_text) and not contains_keyword(bot_response):
        # Select one of the preset messages randomly
        preset_messages = [
            "I'm trained",
        bot_response = random.choice(preset_messages)

    # Log the final response"Bot response: {response}")

    return jsonify({'message': bot_response})

if __name__ == '__main__':'', port=8080, debug=True)

Create an API endpoint for your Flask App, create a chat interface in your wordpress site and once you have the chat interface configure it to send user messages to your Flask API’s /query endpoint.
You will need some ajax to do the send and the receiving.

Beware that different host domains (replit and other) may need some configuration with CORS.

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