Installing GDScript

So I wanted to try to program in some new languages such as GDScript that I haven’t tried. Is there a way to install it using Nix or something onto a Repl that I can use as a template? What kind of Repl would I use Bash? It would be helpful to walk me through the steps of adding it, if it is possible.

I don’t think this is possible as GDScript was made to use with Godot. You could try searching on NixOS.


@QwertyQwerty88 so I found some stuff on NixOS but how would I add it in my Repl? NixOS Search, I am trying to use the gdtoolkit but I don’t know how to install it.

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nix-env -iA nixpgs.gdtoolkit

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I entered both of them but I get this error in the Shell

nix-env -iA nixpgs.gdtoolkit
error: attribute
'nixpgs' in selection path
'nixpgs.gdtoolkit' not found
Did you mean nixpkgs?
~/GDScript$ nix-env -iA nixpkgs. gdtoolkit
error: attribute 'gdtoolkit' in selection
th 'nixpkgs.gdtoolkit' not found

open .replit, check for the nix package version, forgot what the var is called. make it the same version as when you checked on, IDk if it’ll work

@QwertyQwerty88 I did that (I changed it to 23-11) did I do it right? Here is my .replit file for reference →

run = ["bash", ""]

entrypoint = ""

channel = "stable-23_11"

run = ["bash", ""]


pattern = "**/{*.sh,*.bash}"

start = "bash-language-server start"
deploymentTarget = "cloudrun" 
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yes, you changed channel, does it work now?

@QwertyQwerty88 no, I think I need to make it run the instead of

@QwertyQwerty88 so I tried changing it →

run = ["gdscript", ""]

entrypoint = ""

channel = "stable-23_11"

run = ["gdscript", ""]


pattern = "**/{*.gd,*.gdscript}"

start = "gdscript-language-server start"
deploymentTarget = "cloudrun" 

But when I run it, it says for the channel no such file or directory found.

I’ll look into it later

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Isn’t 23_11 Beta? Replit might not yet support it. Maybe search with 23_05?


But that’s deprecated.

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Perhaps try unstable as the channel?

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@Firepup650 it still says →

nix error: building nix env: os. Readlink() channel: readlink /home/runner/.nix-defexpr /channels/nixpkgs-unstable-23_11: no such f ile or directory 

put "unstable" instead of "unstable-23_11"


@NuclearPasta0 It runs without errors, but my file doesn’t run its code, or have syntax highlighting.

Have you tried gdscript from the shell?

I have had problems configuring language server, I was unable to do it for python I think. Not sure.

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How would I do that? I tried run but it said it couldn’t find the file.

I dunno, what does run do? (I don’t know GDScript)
Does gdscript work?

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