Ignoring return value of function declared with 'warn_unused_result'


Repl link:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;

int main(){
  // Variable initialization
  int teamA_points = 0;
  int teamB_points = 0;
  bool is_running = true; // Determines if the program is running, set to false terminates the while loop which the game persists in.
  char team_turn ;// The letter in this variable will be used to determine which team's turn it is
  int draw_card ; // Pick a card from the deck. This picks a index from the array deck.
  string deck[3]; // Used to represent the deck of cards, It is an array which contain strings and these strings represent the cards.
  string answers[3];
  string word ; // Used to split the options and the answer on the card into an array. The anwser is always the last index in the array
  string user_answer;
  string text ; // Is a tempoary variable used to split the text from cards.txt into the array named cards
  int counter = 0; // Is an index for the cards array
  ifstream file_cards("cards.txt"); // Opens the file cards.txt
  ifstream file_answers("answers.txt"); // Opens the file answers.txt
  int random_number; // Generates a random number of 1 or 0 which will be used to determine which team starts the game.
  int points; // The number of points the team will be given if they get the answer correct.
  int win_condition = 20 ; // The amount of points needed to win the game.
  srand((unsigned) time(NULL)); // Generates a seed based of time for random numbers

    // Splits the text from cards.txt into lines, These represent the cards and the options
  while (getline(file_cards, text, '\n')){
    deck[counter] = text;
    counter += 1;
  counter = 0 ; // Resets the counter to 0 for it to be used again  

  //Splits the text from answers.txt into lines, These represent the answers
  while (getline(file_answers, text, '\n')){
    answers[counter] = text;
    counter += 1;
  counter = 0; //Resests the counter to 0 for it to be used again
  random_number = rand() % 2;
  if (random_number == 0){ // Randomly selects which team starts the game
    team_turn = 'A';
  } else{
    team_turn = 'B';
  while (is_running){

   cout << "It is team " << team_turn << "'s turn. Please pass the device over to that team" << endl;

    draw_card = rand() % 3; // draws a random card between 0 and 3

    cout << deck[draw_card] << endl; //Prints out the options on the drawn card

    cout << "Choose the odd one out" << endl;
    cin >> user_answer; // Sets a user input that should be between 1 and 4. If the answer is equal to the last index in the options array then the team gets two points

    if(user_answer == answers[draw_card]){ // Checks if the answer is correct
      cout << "Correct" << endl <<
      "_________________________________________" << endl;
      points = 2;
    } else { // Gives the other team a chance to answer the question
        cout << "Incorrect, pass the device to the other team." << endl << "Choose the Odd one out" << endl;
        cin >> user_answer; //Checks the answer from the opposing team 
        if(user_answer == answers[draw_card]){ // Checks if the answer is correct
          cout << "Correct" << endl <<
            "_________________________________________" << endl;
          points = 1;
        } else{
          cout << "Incorrect, The answer was " << answers[draw_card] <<  ". The next card will be drawn" << endl << "_________________________________________" << endl; // Prints out the correct answer

      if (team_turn == 'A'){ // Gives out the points for the round whilst switching the team turn
        teamA_points += points;
        team_turn = 'B';
      } else {
        teamB_points += points;
        team_turn = 'A';

      system("CLS"); //This works on code blocks its just being a bitch on replit. I have commented it out because it is not working.
      if (teamA_points >= win_condition){ // Checks if team A has won the game
        cout << "Team A wins" << endl;
        is_running = false;

      } else if (teamB_points >= win_condition){ // Checks if team B has won the game
        cout << "Team B wins" << endl;
        is_running = false;


  return 0;

My command line is giving an error on line 100. That specfic line has


It works on code blocks just fine but give me this error in replit :

ignoring return value of function declared with 'warn_unused_result' attribute [-Werror,-Wunused-result]

Thanks in advanced.

Seems like that line is returning some kind of result, and due to how Replit has their C++ interpreter set up, it’s not happy about the fact that you’re not saving it’s result to a variable.

I’ll look for the other topics on this, but for now I think it should work if your change it to something like:

int unused = system("CLS")

Otherwise, see this for a fix:


are you trying to clear the console?

if so, it should be system(“clear”) (a linux command), system(“CLS”) is for windows.