I need some help

I am learning to code and am trying to code a basic math game. I have set it up to pick sums from a set of numbers at random, but i am unsure on how to be able to detect when it is right or wrong.
Also i would attach my repl here but i dont know how, if it is needed it would be greatly appreciated if you could tell me how.

Hey, @EoinLarkin1 !

Can you please provide a link to the repl? This way it is easier for staff and members of the community to help you!

Also see this guide on how to share your code:

The link of your repl will be:
Do note that you’ll need to change the appropriate fields to your username and name of your repl.


that should work, tysm

Hi @EoinLarkin1 !
I found an error here:

times = "multiplied by"
print(sum, times, sum2)
answer = input()
if input() == "sum" + "sum2":
 print("That is correct!")
  print("That is wrong.")

As it should be if answer== "sum" + "sum2":, the code should be amended to this:

times = "multiplied by"
print(sum, times, sum2)
answer = input()
if answer == "sum" + "sum2": # Not the input that is checked, as this will cause 2 inputs to be asked.
 print("That is correct!")
  print("That is wrong.")

Additionally, it should be * instead of + in the if statement.
Correct code:

times = "multiplied by"
print(sum, times, sum2)
answer = input()
if answer == sum * sum2: # The quotes "" was removed around sum as you are checking against a number, not a string. 
 print("That is correct!")
  print("That is wrong.")

Now, at the last bit, it will say _ is correct! ( _ is your answer), no matter if it is correct or wrong.Here’s how you fix it:

print("this is the final level. Try your best!")
options = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
sum = random.choice(options)
sum2 = random.choice(options)
over = "divided by"
print(sum, over, sum2)
answer = input()
if answer == sum / sum2: # This is the division symbol. You can also use //
  print(answer + " is correct!")
  print("You answer is worng!") # Displays a faliure message

With these fixes, your code should work accurately.
Hope this helps! If it solves your problem, you can mark this post as a Solution.
DISCLAIMER: I did NOT use an AI tool to write this, though the language used might’ve sounded like it.


Hi @EoinLarkin1 !
Have you tried what I suggested? Does it work?

@EoinLarkin1 BTW The reason this
if answer == "sum" + "sum2":
Is changed to this:
if answer == sum * sum2:
Is because before you had them as strings (contained ) your answer would have had to be "sumsum2" because of the + is was concatenating the two strings together. The * also makes it a multiplication problem rather than an addition problem, since an asterisk (*) stands for the multiplication sign in programming (it is like the multiplication sign, its just the way your code knows).

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I am currently quite busy but i will implement these changes and get back to you as soon as i can. Thank you very much for your help, Hope you have a nice day

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The info has improved, however not everything is running accurately. Whether this is just me inputting it wrong i dont know.

This /nix/store/ commands with loads of random numbers after it keeps showing up and i cant remove it.

Also the code only detects that something is wrong.

This is very likely my fault and i apologize for that reason if it is the case, I would greatly appreciate it if you or someone else could review it again and try to help me. Thank you very much

Add this to the top of your .replit file:

run = "clear&&python main.py"

thank you very much, the code does not appear. Would you also happen to be able to help me out with my code? I a m trying to code a basic maths game but my code only detects wrong answers.


Remember that the input() function returns a string, not an integer. You should convert the input into an integer before comparing.

answer = int(input())

Bad input may create an error though, which you might want to fix.
Also, for the final level, you may want to specifically generate numbers that don’t have a remainder when divided.

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