How to round to two decimals despite those two decimals being zero?

How to create output that will return numver with two decimals, despite those two decimals being 00?
Such as 12.00
I tried using round (points,2) that didn’t work
I tried adding “.ToString (“0.00”)” from Stack Overflow. I don’t really understand the principle and besides, it doesn’t work…
Could someone tell me what I’m doing wrong?

	result = round(points, 2).ToString("0.00")


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Which language are you using?


Looks like NodeJS to me.


I’m really confused because he opened the thread with python, there is some elements of node and I believe ToString("0.00") is C++?


All the Repls are Python so I’ll go with a Python answer.

result = str(round(points, 2))
if len(result.split(".")[1]) < 2:
  result += "0"

That should do it.


Oopsies :sweat_smile: that’s why it didn’t work hahaha

That was the first solution and I assumed it’s Python because that’s what I was looking for…


Does my solution work for you or do we need to come up with other options?


I’ve just tried it and it works amazing. I am new to coding so hope you don’t mind me asking for a bit of an explanation on this bit (or if you can point me in the direction of some resources explaining it):

if len(result.split(".")[1]) < 2:    # If the length of result ....?... after the decimal point ...?... is less than 2
		final += "0"    #Add another zero to the string

I am curious about the [1] and where exactly did we split the number?

Ooo wait I think I understand something
We didn’t split the number, we split the string at the place of dot (not decimal point) and told the computer to look at the rest of the string after the “.”

I am still at a loss regarding [1]

So the result.split(‘.’) thing basically split the result by the dot, so it should be something like [decimal(number), decimal points]
The [1] thing specifies your target to the decimal point thing but not the number before the dot


What if we wanted to target the number before the dot? would it be [0] or something else?

Adding on to what TaokyleYT said, split() converts a string into a list, dividing it at every occurrence of whatever string we fed it as a parameter (in this case a period/decimal point). So, since there is one decimal point in your float turned string, there are two list items. Python starts counting at 0 so the decimal digits are item 1 and the numbers before the decimal would be item 0.

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You two are wonderful! I appreciate the help and the explanation so much. I wish you all a wonderful and productive rest of the day :star_struck:

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In python, the correct way to specify 2 decimal places is with number formatting.
Use an f-string (formatted string literal) to put values in a string, with curly brackets ({})

x = 12.5
f"{x}% value" == "12.5% value"

Then, specify formatting options within the curly brackets after a colon (:). The format specifier .2f means to show a precision of 2 decimal places. (will round more precise values using the rounding half to even method)

percent = 60.0
result = f"a {percent:.2f}% increase"
assert result == "a 60.00% increase"

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