How to incorporate checklists / 1-point rubrics in threads

I use threads to provide feedback on student work. This year, I’d like to make summarizing the main takeaways more clear for students without an unrealistic time requirement from me. Ideally, I can copy/paste a list of potential areas to improve, for instance, and then quickly indicate which of those skills apply to the student. Essentially, I want to to do the equivalent of pasting in a list of items with checkboxes and then quickly check off a few.

For example, I could paste in:
review code prior to submitting
include a header
include meaningful comments

And then with a couple of keystrokes (adding an x where appropriate), I’d have:
review code prior to submitting
include a header
include meaningful comments

Markdown checkboxes don’t appear to be supported in threads (though they are here).

Any suggestions for something similar?

Thank you!

While threads does use markdown, some syntax may not be supported, according to the cheat sheet.
If lists are possible, I would suggest having a list that is checked off with a checkmark (:heavy_check_mark:), or wrap in “~~” (double tilde) for strikethrough.

  • review code prior to submitting
  • :heavy_check_mark: include a header
  • include meaningful comments

You could also make a feature request.
(I’ve never used threads, so I don’t know if any of this would work)