How to get good? (at coding.)

I now this sounds silly, but what did people use to actually learn to code? I’m struggling to find a tutorial that I enjoy using, so I figured I could ask the Forums what they used to learn to code and to get good at it.
(Also, im trying to learn Javascript, For better context.)


@Banesr18 Personally, I recommend W3Schools, as it has amazing tutorials for a variety of languages. When I want to learn a language, I really just copy in other people’s code and combine it and I try to learn it.


W3Schools is the website I used to learn to code and its great, so I would mainly recommend learning the syntax and main ideas through a tutorial like that and then to just practice a lot.


I learnt JS at this site. It’s an excellent site that covers concepts from the simplest ones to very complex ones. If you want to learn other languages, W3Schools will be definitely better because the site I use only teaches JavaScript. Also, if you mastered code syntax, you can write production code here at Replit, or start learning advanced algorithms here.

I got introduced to JS when doing a tutorial on an intro to JS on It’s called ‘Intro to JS’.
Created by @MattDESTROYER

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lots of people said W3schools already but I’d also like to mention Sololearn, personally not for me (actually I might start using it again :upside_down_face:) but we used it in school, it’s interactive and they have tons of tutorials ranging from beginner to experienced. and like nate mentioned, Matt’s “Intro to JS” tut on Replit


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To get good at coding in a specific language always require months to years of tries and fails, depending on how good your machine-thinking is (think like a computer, idk how to describe that)
My way is to first try block coding like scratch, as they trains your machine-thinking technique, and also easy compared to text coding, as they limits the choice for programmes to use, therefore no SyntaxError and stuff.
After you think you are ready in different things, you can hop into text coding(like JavaScript you mentioned, or most people actually choose python since it is easier). You can try recreating some simple projects you have done such as printing/logging things, doing math, and slowly into simple games, and finally large projects. At that time you are already ‘good’

Even tho I don’t recommend my method cause it may let people frustrated and give up easily, I just want to share my way for you as an example


I would highly recommend the Codecademy as a great place to learn pretty much any language. I used it to teach myself JavaScript. I would specifically recommend the Learn JavaScript and Learn intermediate JavaScript courses, which are both free, (there are special tasks that only ‘Pro’ members can access, but you can just skip those).

I would recommend W3Schools as a great resource (rather than for its tutorials) for documentation that is easy for beginners to understand and that has tons of examples. That said, once you’ve been introduced to the language, there really is no substitute for MDN, which is always my goto for JavaScript documentation.


I agree. W3Schools isn’t really in-depth, compared to mdn.


Try not to use tutorials, and do whatever you feel like coding.
Eventually you just get good at programming as a whole, regardless of language just by throwing yourself at it blind-ish.


For me, I learned coding through a book:

  1. go to your local library
  2. find a javascript book
  3. create LOTS of games/projects!
  4. happy coding!

I can’t say that I’ve become very good at coding, but here are my tips:

  1. Find a 10-hour course on YouTube or another platform on the programming language you are interested in.
  2. Start some simple project and if you don’t understand something, refer to the course you’ve watched.
  3. Create many projects\games\websites\applications
  4. Feel free to Google, because asking a question correctly and looking for a solution to a problem on your own is a very important skill.
  5. Show your projects to other people so that they can evaluate them and give advice, because you alone will not be able to notice all the mistakes yourself and come up with a lot of interesting ideas.

Guys, this topic is over half a year old lol


I learned programming like that xD, I just created what I fancied. When I didn’t know something (like setting text to lowercase for example), I just googled it. I avoided googling for broad things like “how to make a 2d game”.


Hi…I don’t want to necropost or anything but I would suggest Khan Academy’s courses on web dev and p5.js, which is where I got my start in coding. Just my two cents!

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