How to edit my replit theme (private) or delete it

I made a replit theme but then i got out of that site in replit, (as in i went home) but then when i clicked the theme button in the bottom left corner, it would just apply the theme, what do i do? and if there’s no way to edit it, how do i delete it?

Welcome to the forums, @KarlaRojas2! You can easily edit your theme by going to Themes>Search for your theme’s name>click the one by you> click the pencil icon!


I have another question, what if the theme i made was private? I tried searching the theme i made but the title was widely used

Also, when i tried searching based on my user, nothing appeared

V2: Thanks to Qwerty for finding an easier way to this, use their method. As for deleletion, Qwerty’s method brings up the delete feature as well.


Simply go to your account settings, scroll down to themes, find your theme, click the three dots and click edit.




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