How much would you use🏗️a python library📚to code👨‍💻entire websites🌐in?

How much would you use a library that would allow you to create in-depth, complex websites all inside of a Python file? Like, instead of coding the HTML / CSS in their according files, it was easily accessible and automatically built from a python file.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how much would you use a library for making websites in Python?
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You mean templating engine in python?

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Kinda. It would let you build websites without having to learn HTML, JS or CSS, as long as you know python.


That is sort of what Flask is. If you just slightly modified Flask you wouldn’t need to know HTML but HTML is so easy why not just learn it?


It kinda is flask, but instead imagine it as its own new language (with the same syntax as Python) that can make websites. In the grand scheme of things, it could be a whole lot easier to program it. Not only this, but you’d have full access to logic and variables within the program.


I don’t think I would use this. It’s like glorified Flask/Jinja except probably not supported by most browsers.

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No. It would be because it would be creating the html and css files for you.

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No, Flask is a server. Are you talking about Jinja, the templating engine Flask uses? If you are, well, it’s just HTML with added features.

So a static site generator, like Hugo?


@QwertyQwerty88 Never used Hugo before, but pretty much. I guess it would be in the middle of static and dynamic not static (I’m blanking on the term for it)
Site generator is a good way to describe it.


There is no term for it as far as I know… Dynamic? That’s just not static


Dynamic! That’s the word!


I was just thinking of something similar, but for JS. Being able to do all the design with just code and optional html and css.

But instead of a generate and then serve kind of thing, I was thinking of doing some magic to have the code generate the document on the fly and then display it.

Something that I imagine probably looking a little like this.
I mean hell I could implement an easy styling interface with abstractions even.

let inbox = new TextBox({ placeholder: "placeholder" });


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