How can I transfer all my Replit Code to Tampermonkey?

Hi there!
I was wondering how can I transfer all my Replit Code to Tampermonkey?

My Repl:

Thank you for your help!

Did you try Copy and Paste?

Yes, but a Repl project has multiple files. Whilst a Tampermonkey script is only one! And I tried importing it, it’s still loading after 4 hours. My Repl’s script is not even that long.

Hey @EddyLostTeddy,

Maybe you could download your code as a zip by clicking on the 3 buttons and then uploading it to Tampermonkey, does that work?

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I tried, it’s been opening/loading for 5 hours. Nothing yet…

On Replit or on Tampermonkey? If the former you should definitely refresh the page and try again or log it as a support call if you’ve already tried this.

This is happening on Tampermonkey.

Ok, if none of the FAQ documents help you here Tampermonkey • FAQ then I suggest you get in touch with Jan on his website.