Help Needed - Idle Game Maker

I am making a template/module to be able to make an idle game with ease (basically a game engine), it’s called Idle Game Maker. The game could be made sooner with someone working with me, and we could bounce ideas around to make it better. It is written in Python. If you are interested tell me some experience you have with this kind of stuff.

If you have any questions feel free to ask.

I also currently have some problems I can’t work out with threading and it would be great to have a fresh view on it.


Looks cool! Can I help?

One thing I noticed is that after buying an item, it forever tells me to “press enter to continue”.

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Sure, I’ll add you to the project! One thing, once it is released I plan on adding features that are selected by the community to make it better, and possibly using features from Forks since it will be open source on GitHub.

That’s one of my bugs I’m trying to fix, I have asked some questions on Ask and asked some AI’s such as Phind and ChatGPT to help work it through.


Nice! I could help. I have made projects with python, but can’t share them because they are mainly on hidden alts, but I should have a few on my main.


Cool! I’ll add you to the project.

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I think that’s all of the people I will except, more than 3 people working on this project seems too big. Be on the lookout for future things related to Idle Game Maker (maybe some votes for new features).

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